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Saturday 11 September 2021

Chronology of 500 Year Jesuit Deception and Flat Earth

 [Tabublog]: Up until the Jesuit Order was created in 1540, the most common school of thought in regards to Cosmology was that the Earth was Flat and Round, as had been the teachings for 5,000 years.

Once the Jesuits gained power around the world, they instilled the global ball Earth theory called Heliocentrism, step by step by step until after just a few generations, everyone on Earth KNEW the Earth was traveling around the Sun at incredible speeds.

It began with changing the conversation from one of a Flat Earth and Geocentered to just a debate as to whether we spun around the Sun or the Sun moved around us, completely eliminating the entire Flat Earth theory.

Flat Earth theory is never brought up in history lessons, or astronomy classes or by any supossed learned institutions.  In fact, it wasn’t until one year ago when “Flat Earth Conspiracy” by Eric Dubay was introduced to the public.

Over the past 150 years several courageous Men and Women tried to educate the masses to the great fraud perp’d so expertly, over so long, by the Jesuits, yet know the cat is out of the bag and the truth is available for all to learn.

Here is a chronology of how Jesuits have been involved in every step of the way of deceiving all to believe we are just a small tiny insignificant blip in a massive universe vis-a-vis a Earth centered Universe where we are the Biggest Show in the Universe and of most importance....<<<Read More>>>...