Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Doctor: “Those Who Won’t Wear A Mask Don’t Care Who They Kill!”

 Dr Peter English is clearly paid large sums of money to lie through his psychotic teeth. What a first rate moron and utter bullshitter. 

There are literally dozens of reports by doctors more reputable than this piece of paid garbage will ever be, that state categorically masks are useless for stopping viruses. 

It's quite amazing that these paid morons are appearing out of the woodwork when our puppet rebel government are close to forcing the gullible to wear useless face nappies again. 

[Richie Allen]:The former chairman of the BMA Public Health Committee said today that those who refuse to wear masks are “callous” and “don’t care who they kill.”

Dr. Peter English was appearing on Ian Collins Talk Radio Show. He said:

“Facemasks are effective at preventing you from infecting others. So all these people who go on the tube saying “I’m not gonna wear a mask,” what they’re saying is, I don’t care who I kill if I happen to be infectious without knowing it.” It’s callous and I think people ought to be required to wear masks when case levels are above a threshold.

He’s right you know. I was on a bus this morning. There was a guy sitting opposite me. He had no mask on. He was muttering away to himself. I leaned over and said “Sorry mate, did you say something there?” He replied; “Yes pal. I was just saying that I’m not gonna wear a mask and I don’t care who I kill if I happen to be infectious without knowing it.”

“You’re very callous” said I.

In a tetchy exchange, presenter Collins pointed out the need to balance draconian and arbitrary measures with people’s freedoms. He also reminded English that most people don’t become ill with covid and that the average age of a covid related fatality is 83. He was wasting his time. I learned one immutable truth throughout the course of my career in broadcasting.

You cannot win an argument with an idiot.