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Thursday 16 December 2021

Doctors Discover Horrifying Anomalies in Autopsies of the Vaccinated

[David Icke]: Just as Ghislaine Maxwell’s anticipated trial began, mainstream media deliberately shifted their attention to the latest COVID ‘variant’. Rather than covering an organized global pedophile ring, news stations bombarded citizens with nonstop Omicron coverage. 

Many of these major networks are only on-air due to massive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies. Salivating drug manufacturers immediately used the mutant strain narrative to promote lucrative boosters. While Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna rake in $1,000 in profits per second, countless recipients suffer from the vaccine’s debilitating repercussions. 

Afflicted individuals who attempt to speak out are swiftly silenced. In an era of mass censorship and a cult-like blind trust in ‘science’, some determined researchers have taken matters into their own hands. What they discovered in postmortem studies of the inoculated left them completely horrified

Bodies in Battle  Dr. Arne Burkhardt is a German pathologist with over fifty years of experience in the medical field. He conducted detailed coronary examinations on recently immunized patients. Subjects had no previous underlying health issues before their death. However, within two weeks of vaccination, all had died from spontaneous organ failure. 

During a Corona Investigative Committee conference, the diligent physician presented a slideshow analyzing eight separate autopsies. His images document a devastating autoimmune response. An internal battle is taking place throughout the body as it attempts to fight off a perceived invader. The seasoned examiner has never seen anything so catastrophic in his entire career. 

Here are some of the findings he revealed:  

Anomalous Metals: Attempting to better understand what was causing the unprecedented carnage, Dr. Burkhardt inspected hundreds of vaccine samples. Microscopic examination revealed foreign metallic substances with jagged edges. Droplets from every vial tested contained materials that appeared similar to stainless steel. Fragments were also discovered embedded in various soft tissues.