2. The 1957 H2N2 Asian flu pandemic killed 1.1 million people. it reached herd immunity in April 1958 after taking off in China in March 1957. It took 13 months to reach herd immunity. The peak death rate in the UK was 600 per week in October 1957. No significant vaccination program occurred (Maurice Hilleman at Merck produced a small number vaccines)
3. The 1968 H3N2 Hong Kong flu pandemic killed between 1 and 4
million people and lasted from July 1968 to winter 1969/70. It took 18
months to reach herd immunity. It covered two winter flu seasons in the
West. No significant vaccination program occurred (Maurice Hilleman at
Merck produced a small number vaccines)
4. The Amish in
Pennsylvania who refuse vaccines (and computers) were first infected
with Covid19 Wuhan Alpha in March 2020. They appear to have reached herd
immunity in March 2021, after 12 months.
“There has never been a flu pandemic that lasted beyond 2 winters.”
Herd immunity has always kicked in by then. We are now in the 2nd winter of the Covid19 pandemic. But no expert is predicting that the pandemic will end by the spring. Something different, something abnormal has therefore occurred this time around. Something abnormal has prevented Herd Immunity from being reached. That something is genetic vaccination. A gene therapy sold as a vaccination.
But rather than hastening our journey towards Herd Immunity. It has delayed that journey. Indeed the only groups who have reached herd immunity are the Amish who do not take vaccines, and countries such as India who did not initially take vaccines but instead chose therapeutics such as Ivermectin...<<<Read More>>>....