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Thursday 2 December 2021

Guy Sacks Gardener For Being An Anti-Vaxxer!

Pity the misinformed. Pity the brainwashed. But shame on those who know the truth and deliberately mislead. 

The insanity in humans is now unprecedented for a super flu with a 98% survival rate.

[Richie Allen]: It must be sack an anti-vaxxer day today! Earlier, I reported that a CNN correspondent fired his children’s nanny because she wouldn’t have a jab. Now a man has told LBC radio that he sacked his gardener for being an anti-vaxxer.

Speaking to Nick Ferrari, the now gardener-less man said:

“I think people who aren’t getting vaccinated are very, very dangerous people. I…personally I…one of the reasons I got rid of my gardener was because he was an anti-vaxxer, a vehement anti-vaxxer.”

Ferrari asked him to define “vehement anti-vaxxer.” The man replied:

“He said it’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s a hoax. This thing is all made up by the government.”

However, the man did agree with his now former gardener on a very important point. He told Ferrari:

“I do agree that the way that the numbers of cases have been counted is entirely misleading. If you had a positive test for covid and you get run over in the road two weeks later, you’re counted as one of these deaths, which is ludicrous.”

Watch and see how the increasingly pudgy-looking Ferrari steers the chat away from that bombshell.