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Thursday 16 December 2021

In an Insane World, the Truly Sane Are Regarded As Crazy – Don’t Even Try to Fit

[Humans Are Free]: We live in a world where the masses are delusional. They have been manipulated via engineered media hysteria into believing in an invisible “pandemic” that’s going to kill them if they don’t comply.

At first, the compliance demand was something like, “Wear these masks. You’ll only need to wear them until there’s a vaccine.” Once the vaccine became available, the compliance demand was ramped up to, “Take two shots and we’ll get back to normal.”

Now, of course, at the end of 2021, people are required to both take endless booster shots and keep wearing masks… all while social distancing and complying with endless lockdowns and covid quarantine camps, of course.

At this point, anyone going along with this insanity is clinically delusional and suffering from shared mass psychosis (or what’s called “mass formation” by some scientists). They are proving that they cannot cognitively parse the world around them in a meaningful way that supports their own continued existence.

Importantly, the fact that delusional thinking is widespread does not make it sane. Through media programming, censorship and authoritarian measures, entire nations can be ensnared under grotesque delusions. Look no further than North Korea if you need a current example, and then realize that North Korea-style censorship and propaganda has been on the march in the USA for several years now....<<<Read More>>>...