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Saturday 18 December 2021

Nutty Professor: “Don’t Go To Pub Even After You’ve Had Booster Jab”

 Another of Pinocchio's bullshitters. If she and Pinocchio's other imbeciles went on TV and started the lie the moon was made of cheese; and said it enough times ... how many human morons would believe them?

[Richie Allen]: The witchdoctors are out in force today. Professor Beata Kampmann, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine just told SKY News that people should wait up to two weeks after they’ve had their booster jab, before heading out to the pub.

Kampmann said that in general, people should shun public places and practice social distancing when out and about. Batty Beata told SKY this lunchtime:

“Don’t go to the pub after you’ve had the booster – that would be entirely wrong to do. I think people need to take social distancing and wearing masks and staying away from crowded places incredibly seriously right now if they don’t want to jeopardise their Christmas and equally, even more importantly, what’s going to happen to the NHS.”

Kampmann would like a lockdown right now because as told SKY, she’s worried that: “events will have overtaken us by the time this policy (Plan B) kicks in.”

The BBC and SKY News are rolling out one epidemiologist after another today. They must be cloning them in a factory somewhere. They say the exact same things using identical words and phrases. Could they be using a script? Maybe.

In a nutshell, omicron is very bad and spreading at the speed of light, which threatens to overwhelm the NHS, therefore the government should introduce more stringent measures.

The same boffins were paraded in front of the cameras this time last year to warm that the Delta variant was spreading at the speed of light and threatening to overwhelm the NHS. It was nonsense then. It’s nonsense now.

I’d put the fear of God in these gormless geeks by repeating the following questions.

How many of the daily covid cases were found in symptomatic people?

I repeat. How many of the positive cases were actually ill?

How many of them needed medical treatment?

How many were admitted to hospital?

What’s the vaccine status of those testing positive?

Isn’t it true that twice as many double-vaccinated people are becoming ill and ending up in hospital this Winter as unvaccinated people?

Why is that?

What’s the average age of someone dying with Covid?

What’s UK life expectancy in 2021?

Have you reviewed the UK government’s Yellow-Card reporting data?

Why not?

Are you aware that some of your peers, the ones who never took a penny from The Gates Foundation, are claiming that the jabs have caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people worldwide?

Why are you not aware of that?

Putting covid on the death certs of people who died within 28 days of testing positive for it is pseudo-scientific nonsense isn’t it?

Isn’t it?

Flu and the common cold have simply been rebranded as covid haven’t they?

Haven’t they?

Fuck off.