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Friday 3 December 2021

Obese Gal Has 8 Cardiac Arrests – Blames Covid & Urges Folks To Get Jabbed

 [Richie Allen]: I’ve laughed hard today. SKY News has been running cautionary tales for months now. The channel regularly features folks who nearly died from covid infection, allegedly. Typically, the person shares his/her horror story and then advises the nation to get the jab at the speed of light.

Sometimes these people will confess that they didn’t have the jab and that they became so ill, they now wish they had. There were belly laughs in my house this morning, no pun intended.

SKY featured Gemma, a morbidly obese woman who had 8 cardiac arrests AFTER falling into a coma when she came down with covid. Tsk…Gemma wasn’t jabbed. Oh dear. Gemma’s advice is that we should all get jabbed up and as soon as possible.

Can you even satirise this? It just occurred to me, Gemma is the answer to the question that has vexed football supporters for generations, that is, who ate all the pies?

Twas fucking Gemma! How Kay Burley and later Adam Boulton didn’t wet themselves every time they ran this report is a mystery to me.

Talk about suspending your disbelief…