Asphyxiation occurs when carbon dioxide interferes with the oxygenation of tissue. The long-term end result is death. Perpetual mask-wearing zombies are limiting the oxygen that enters the lungs, thus reducing oxygen in their blood, and therefore diminishing the oxygen and nutrients that are carried to body tissues, including the brain. Research reveals that prolonged use of Covid masks, homemade or N95, can cause anywhere from five percent on up to 20 percent loss of oxygen.
Go out in public right now and you will notice one major concurrent theme that is different from when Covid began. People wearing masks are acting very strange, erratic, anxious, and aggressive. Some people are having panic attacks in stores, fighting to get to products first. Others are having vertigo and double vision attacks while driving, sometimes causing “vaccidents” (from the combination of vaccine and mask side effects).
Concentration is being slowed as well as their reaction time. They are suffering from MAD – Mask Asphyxiation Disease.
Road rage is much more common now since the vaccine and mask
apocalypse. People’s blood chemistry has changed, according to doctors
and scientists, which has led to changes in level of consciousness.
Oxygen deprivation by prolonged use of Covid masks is causing permanent
neurological damage in some people, according to German neurologists....<<<Read More>>>...