Esoterically, Aries-the 1st sign- working on the 1st ray of Will and Power-manifests the Impulse of Electric Fire, destroying the past, clearing the way for the future, establishing a new pattern for the following twelve months.
The Full Moon at 16° Libra arrives on Thursday, April 6th. The Aries/Libra Polarity is the Relationship Axis, where Aries represents Self and Libra represents the Other. Aries is about self-assertion, Libra about compromise. This polarity is where the deeply personal interfaces with the entirely impersonal, where you, with your need to be loved, welcomed and accepted, encounter others with completely different agendas.
Expect relationship epiphanies, wake up calls and relationship dramas as Awakener Uranus aspects both the Sun and Moon as Jupiter and Chiron conjunct the Sun....<<<Read More>>>...