Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Could AI Point Us to What It Means to be Human?

 Maybe we don’t have so much to worry about?

“LLMs (Large language models) aren't even as smart as dogs, says Meta's AI chief scientist” -- the ZDNET headline.

And according to Meta's AI chief scientist, Yann LeCun, He says:

“LLMs (like ChatGPT) are not truly intelligent because LLMs cannot understand, interact with, or comprehend reality and only rely on language training to produce an output.”

So why have Ais captured our imaginations and begun to frighten us?

I believe it’s because they simulate the intellect – and only the intellect – but we have given the formative mind so much power. As Eckhart Tolle has often pointed out, we identify so strongly with the mind that we have disconnected from many other aspects of being.

LeCun also said not to fear an AI takeover because “there is no correlation between being smart and wanting to take over.”

But who or what is that wants to take over? We can often sense it in our bodies, like when we have a fight or flight experience. There is a survival instinct in us that makes us want to protect ourselves....<<<Read More>>>...