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Monday 27 November 2023

What Is the Pineal Gland — And How to Activate It for Better Sleep, According to Experts

 The pineal gland is a small, pea-shaped structure deep in the center of the brain. It plays a crucial role in secreting melatonin and other hormones. If the pineal gland isn’t working properly, you could experience a hormone imbalance, disrupted sleep, and even cardiovascular problems.

The pineal gland regulates how your body reacts to seasonal changes and cycles that can affect your normal sleep patterns, and is part of your greater hormonal network that creates and releases hormones to tell your body what to do and when to do it, explains Zach Bush, MD, a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care.

The pineal gland’s primary job is to produce and secrete the sleep hormone melatonin, although it also plays a role in secreting other hormones.

In fact, Dr. Bush says, “it is believed to be the body’s only source of melatonin. The pineal gland secretes the highest levels of this hormone during dark periods and decreases melatonin production when you’re exposed to light. It is under control of the circadian clock, which modulates sleep patterns, including both circadian and seasonal cycles. The pineal gland receives light information from the retina, which is why it is sometimes referred to as the third eye, or Ajna chakra, and sends the information elsewhere in the body to elicit important responses.”

In other words, if your pineal gland is functioning properly, it helps you get a good night’s sleep without any disruptions. It also regulates the hormone oxytocin, which promotes positive feelings and relaxation and has been shown in studies to decrease anxiety and stress levels....<<<Read More>>>....