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Tuesday, 18 March 2025


Ima\ge of the Day - "Bhí sé chomh ciúin ar ais ansin"


Trust the Plan

Its nature is quite different from what you may think.

There's an inherent contradiction looming over grand theories about where we stand in the scheme of history, and what we should do about it. Whether it be Darwinian evolution, cycles of elite overproduction, Strauss-Howe's "turnings" or Spenglerian civilizational souls and destinies, this contradiction presents itself in the following popular motif: "there is this natural historical development because of some hidden law, which dooms us all to a certain outcome. 

However, by becoming aware of it, we can work against it and change our destiny." Lately, for example, Bret Weinstein has been a strong proponent of such a theory, in his case referring to Darwinian maladaptation to the modern world and how we need to counter it.

Postulating the existence of some sort of natural law guiding human destiny, and then advising us to break that law, presents us with an obvious problem. Either this really is a natural law, which means we cannot escape it anymore than we can breathe underwater or escape death. Or, we can escape it by an act of will — but if we can do that now, so could various people in the past at different historical junctures, which then raises the question of how much of a law this really is, or why people in the past should have had less free will than us.

Take the idea that we are maladapted to modern life because of Darwinian programs that arose in a very different context, and are now screwing things up for us moderns who are faced with an environment so radically different from the past. This is all fine and good, until you say "but well, just act against those programs." Either the Darwinian process of natural selection works as advertised and there simply is no escaping it — we will naturally adapt, or we will be selected out of the game, evolution continuing its thing regardless as the blind force that it is. Or, we have a conscious choice, but then so did people in the past: it wasn't a natural process of selection after all, but people constantly making choices to consciously interact with changing circumstances. 

But this means there is no reason why we shouldn't be adapted to our modern environment too, since presumably people have been consciously adapting over the course of our collective walk into modernity. Conscious adaptation means we don't need vast timescales, and that our bio-psychological make-up is the result of a much more flexible process, countering the idea we could be "maladapted." 

In other words, if we can break Darwinism at any point, what, then, survives of Darwinism? It's the same dilemma faced by the eugenicists from the other direction: either Darwin takes care of it, or he fails, requiring our "correction," but then he ain't no Darwin....<<<Read More>>>...

AC/DC - Walk All Over You

How a Heat Pump Destroyed One Consumer’s Perfect Energy Rating

 The Telegraph has been running a number of repent-at-leisure heat pump stories and this latest one is no exception.

Enter Colin Ferguson of Perthshire in Scotland who seems to be the embodiment of a Net Zero politician’s dream. He’s done it all with a ground-up rebuild of his detached house, incidentally just the sort of project that 99% of the British population couldn’t possibly afford:

The renovation, for which Mr Ferguson, now 74, was involved in the labour, was completed in 2013. An energy assessor assigned a perfect efficiency score of 100, placing it in a band typically reserved for new builds. On the certificate, seen by the Telegraph, under suggested “cost-effective improvements” it simply read: “not applicable”.

Then Mr Ferguson installed a heat pump – and his perfect energy rating went up in smoke.

It seems Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) have a nasty habit of going out of date:

The retired insurance claims manager and his wife, Sue, had wanted to replace their oil-fired boiler with a heat pump, using £9,500 worth of Government funding. This would require obtaining a new energy performance certificate (EPC) after the heat pump was installed, as their previous one was due to expire.

Not only that, the new one can downgrade the house:

The certificates have been criticised in the past for their inconsistency. Assessors often rely on guesswork to work out a property’s efficiency level, and some have been known to wrongly estimate a property’s floor area by tens of square metres. Heat pumps, while greener, can often incur households higher bills. In some cases they have hurt rather than help a home’s EPC score, as the certificates currently reward lower bills over carbon emissions.

“What really annoyed me was the little man who came in an Audi A8 to do the assessment,” Mr Ferguson recalls. “In he waltzed. I had all the documentation from the original build – reams of stuff – and he took one look at it and said, ‘I don’t need any of that’. Had it not been for the fact we’d applied for a grant to put a heat pump in he’d have been out the door.”

Incredulously [the Telegraph probably means ‘Incredibly’ here], Mr Ferguson’s new EPC assessment had fallen to 74, placing it in the C band. The total floor area of the house also appeared to shrink between assessments – from 331 square metres to 279, the equivalent of three large bedrooms.

This can have a drastic impact on the house’s value, regardless of the house’s efficiency....<<<Read More>>>...

Food for Thought #597


From covid mass formation to Ukraine mass formation

 Now that the covid narrative is collapsing, a new mass formation is emerging around the story of the war in Ukraine, Professor Mattias Desmet says. Emotions such as fear, frustration and aggression are being redirected towards this new narrative.

In 2020, Desmet, a professor of clinical psychology, publicised his theory that, regarding the covid narrative, what was happening in society was a worldwide process of mass formation.

This new mass formation about Ukraine has the potential to be more intense and aggressive than the covid one, Prof. Desmet warns. He believes the way of words rather than the way of war should be pursued to truly help Ukraine.

What everyone who wanted to know had already long known, is now slowly seeping through to newspapers and news programmes: we can stop blaming the bats from Wuhan. The coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan, where, indeed, they were experimenting with coronaviruses. What is now emerging in the corporate media is even worse than just the fact that the virus came from a laboratory. It is also becoming clear that (some of) those who promoted the measures always knew it came from a laboratory. People like Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier warned from the start of the crisis that certain sequences in the virus’ DNA do not occur in nature and that the virus was a so-called “gain-of-function” creation. He was dismissed by the media and by government-paid “research journalists” and “fact-checkers” as a charlatan and conspiracy theorist...<<<Read More>>>...

Israel is continuing the genocide – but the UK media will not tell you

 A ceasefire does not mean that Israel has dropped its goal to annihilate Gaza.

The mission remains the same, and the war crimes endure, including killings - the method just shifts. Now, the textbook starvation of the enclave is the weapon of choice.

But the British public will not be privy to such details - not if they rely on the mainstream media to report them accurately.

In early March, as the first phase of the ceasefire was ending and the full withdrawal of Israel's forces from Gaza was supposed to take place, Israel decided to block all aid from entering the territory.

The media reported it but, characteristically, thinned out the details.

Israel is "stopping all aid into Gaza", reported Sky News. Israel "blocks entry of all humanitarian aid into Gaza", read the online BBC headline. LBC's article stated, "Israel halts all aid and supplies coming into Gaza".

Missing from every outlet was the crucial added context: as concluded by Human Rights Watch (HRW), this was a flagrant violation of international law. Legal experts confirmed it constituted a genocidal act.

But the tried-and-tested strategy of propaganda by omission reigned supreme. Why provide the intricate details and allow readers to connect the dots about Israel's cruelty when key information can simply be suppressed?...<<<Read More>>>...

Monday, 17 March 2025

Quote for the Day


The Real Magna Carta

The Magna Carta of 1215 is celebrated globally as the foundation of modern liberties and rights for its stipulation of equality before the law and its placing of monarchs and rulers under it. However, significant as the 1215 charter is, the document sealed in June of that year between King John and his rebellious barons was a prototype, far from the final version set out in law. That came ten years later in 1225.

The 1215 text was not even named Magna Carta, but the Articles of the Barons. Its 63 clauses agreed between John and the barons arrayed against him did not survive much beyond two months, as the opposing forces were soon back at war with each other. Capitalising on the civil war in England a French invasion followed. John's death in October 1216 did not end the conflict, though a revised Articles of the Barons - with one-third of the original causes dropped - was issued in Bristol in November by the new king, Henry III, then only nine years old. It was only after the defeat of the barons and the expulsion of their French allies a year later that we arrive at 'Magna Carta', the 'Great Charter', when in November 1217 a further four clauses related to forest laws and rights were transferred to a new Charter of Forest Liberties. What was left, the larger part, became the Great Charter, marking the peace settlement at the end of the civil war. But Magna Carta still had one more stage in its evolution before achieving its final form. That came on 11 February 1225....<<<Read More>>>...

UK Chancellor Spending Hundreds of Thousands on Legal Fees Defending Her VAT Raid on Private Schools

 In anticipation of an “unprecedented legal challenge”, Rachel Reeves is spending hundreds of thousands on legal fees to defend her controversial VAT raid on private schools. The Mail has the story.

Parents opposed to the 20% education tax are crowdfunding to enable them to launch next month’s landmark case at the High Court, on behalf of their children who have Special Educational Needs (SEN).

A legal source described them as “fighting to avert really dire scenarios on behalf of many claimants who are very, very vulnerable”.

Meanwhile the Chancellor, who is the defendant, has employed four KCs – the most experienced and expensive barristers in the land – to lead the Government’s case.

Losing in court could force the Government to abandon the tax, which affects all 550,000 pupils in the independent sector. Around 100,000 of these have special educational needs.

Legal experts said “the serried rank of barristers” was a clear sign the Government saw the case as a direct threat to “a manifesto promise” and an “unprecedented challenge”. One said: “It is very, very rare that a flagship piece of legislation like this is challenged in the courts.” …<<<Read More>>>...

Scorpions - Still Loving You

Food for Thought #596


Just As We Said -----

 Just as said .... it didn't take Blogger long to take this post down due to its truth violating its community guidelines.

It just proves that there are still agencies and forces out there determined to bury the truth of what was forcibly (And willingly) given to billions of human beings a few years ago.

Agencies are still afoot that are determined to hide what is happening ...

Net Zero: Bad data and faulty models leading us up the garden path again

 The UK government’s political project, to reach Net Zero by 2050, was adopted without democratic consent in 2019. There is no scientific basis for significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions as their effect on climate is limited.

Climate models are poorly designed and based on faulty data, including issues with weather station placements and adjustments that can misrepresent temperature trends.

The UK’s Net Zero initiative is misguided and detrimental, impacting agriculture, energy supply and the economy without contributing to climate improvement.

The political project, UK Net Zero by 2050, was undemocratically adopted by the UK government in 2019. Yet the science of so-called greenhouse gases is well known and there is no reason to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) or nitrous oxide (N2O) because of radiation absorption rates.

Adding to or removing these naturally occurring gases from the atmosphere will make little difference to the temperature or the climate. Water vapour (H2O) is claimed to be a much stronger greenhouse gas than CO2, CH4 or N2O but cannot be regulated because it occurs naturally in vast quantities.

Because of the nature of absorption of infrared radiation, most of the temperature change has already occurred and increasing CO2, CH4 or N2O concentrations will not lead to significant changes in air temperatures. This is because absorption is logarithmic (Beer-Lambert Law of attenuation) – a law of diminishing returns.

And there are many other variables which affect temperatures. The ocean is a huge heat sink (carrying heat away from the source) which moderates the global surface air temperature and absorbs CO2 (Henry’s Law)....<<<Read More>>>...

The phrase “conspiracy theory” needs to be changed to “logical assumption” since nearly every single one has been proven true over the past 25 years

 On September 11th, 2001, two drone planes crashed into (three?) different skyscrapers and brought them all down demolition-style into their own footprint, and anyone who questioned the narrative or had video footage contending this was labeled a conspiracy theorist. The third building, building 7, was announced by BBC (British television) to have been completed destroyed before it even happened, as it was visible in perfect condition in the background on live television while the news anchor announced that its destruction had already occurred. Again, anyone who questioned this was engaging a conspiracy theory and written off as a crazy person wearing a tin foil hat. 

Turns out, anyone who doesn’t believe that two airplanes that crash into two skyscrapers could bring down three skyscrapers the same day demolition style is basically using common sense and logical assumptions to deny a fictional story is real. This is not a conspiracy theory.  

When Covid-19 broke out and was labeled a “pandemic,” natural health advocates around the globe said it was planned and part of a depopulation scheme, and that the coinciding “vaccines” would be used as biological weapons to wipe out millions of humans.

The official narrative was that some Chinese men were eating some bat soup in Wuhan and the bat meat was infected with some weird bat virus that magically had the ability suddenly to not only infect the soup eaters, but spread around the world, killing all the old people and people with pre-existing health conditions, like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and dementia.

Anyone who opposed these wacked out theories was considered “anti-science,” “anti-vaccine,” and a domestic terrorist who was trying to kill people by spreading the most lethal virus ever known to mankind – the Fauci Flu. All of fake news MASS MEDIA furthered the propaganda and fearmongering daily, across national, regional and local news, including television, radio, internet and newspapers. If you denied any of this or did not follow every single mandate to the letter, you were labeled a conspiracy theorist....<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday, 16 March 2025

Culling the Herd: Eugenics, Depopulation & the Extermination of Lower Classes

 Eugenics is an attempt to produce genetically desirable children and to terminate the lives of those considered to be genetically inferior. Elements of eugenics exist everywhere. For example, when given the choice, people produce children with partners whom they find attractive. Part of them hopes that those attractive qualities will manifest in the offspring. A more extreme form is infanticide: killing children usually because of physical or mental deformity; a practice as old as humanity. 

In Ancient Greece, Plato and Socrates (c. 470-399 BCE) suggested ways of breeding to promote the superior traits of the elite, as sickly infants were deliberately left to die of exposure.

Today, there is a sensible and ethical side of what is often called eugenics. Examples include disabled children having operations to save their lives and individuals with learning difficulties asking for sterilisation because they can’t manage contraception and don’t want children. But institutions like the state, prisons, and medical facilities, as well as privileged elites, use eugenics as a way of trying to exterminate the elements of society whom they consider to be a burden. What started out as selective breeding and infanticide has today developed into forced sterilisation and genetic editing to produce “designer babies.” This thinking also informs certain depopulation agendas....<<<Read More>>>...

'Expel Soros agents' — Hungary issues list of demands to EU

 Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Viktor Orban has urged Brussels to strongly protect the national interests of member states.

Brussels should take decisive steps towards denying EU membership to Ukraine and ending the influence of foreign agents linked to billionaire George Soros on the bloc's policies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has stated. He has called for the absolute national sovereignty of member states over domestic issues.

In a post on X on Saturday, Orban urged Brussels to "expel Soros agents" from the European Commission and "remove corrupt lobbyists" from the European Parliament.

The Hungarian prime minister has a long history of opposing foreign-funded organizations in his country, particularly those sponsored by Soros. Orban has repeatedly accused the Hungarian-American magnate of meddling in Hungary's domestic affairs, undermining traditional family values, and promoting a globalist agenda.

Orban also called for "a Union, but without Ukraine," having demanded "peace, freedom, and unity."...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


David Lee Roth - Yankee Rose

Are We Trapped in a Permanent UFO Disclosure Loop?

 For more than a century, the promise of UFO disclosure has loomed like a mirage on the horizon of human curiosity.

From the flickering Foo Fighters reported by World War II pilots to the grainy footage of the Tic Tac UAP darting across military screens in 2017, each era has been assured that the veil of secrecy is about to lift.

Yet, as we stand on the cusp of 2027—a year whispered to herald a “major UFO event”—the question lingers: Are we ensnared in an endless cycle of anticipation, where tantalizing hints never coalesce into revelation? If nothing substantial emerges in 2027, are we doomed to repeat this loop indefinitely, forever chasing a truth that remains just out of reach?...<<<Read More>>>...


Food for Thought #595


The End of Medicine: Patients take second place to global warming

 If you think doctors are paid to look after people, make them well and keep them alive then you’re as out of date as a man who dons spats or a woman who wears a bustle.

Today, officially, a doctor’s prime responsibility is not to his patients but to the planet. The medical establishment has been conned, tricked or bought into swallowing the global warming myth hook, line and sinker.

The result is that today’s doctor (whether she or he is working as a general practitioner or employed in a hospital) has been told that making diagnoses and providing the best treatment for their patients must take second place to worrying about preventing the Eiffel Tower from being submerged.

Every sane, intelligent and informed person knows that global warming is the world’s most evil and dangerous scam.

But the medical establishment does not consist of sane, intelligent or informed people. The medical establishment consists of ruthless, corrupt, self-serving, greedy individuals who are, like their ultimate masters, driven by the pursuit of power and wealth.

Half a century ago, in 1975, I exposed the hold the drug industry has over the medical profession. In a book called `The Medicine Men’ (now available again as a paperback) I showed that the medical establishment had been bought by the pharmaceutical industry. (I also explained why I believed, and still believe, that the pharmaceutical industry is more wicked than any of the illegal drug cartels such as the one run by Pablo Escobar.)...<<<Read More>>>...

Report reveals true extent of air pollution crisis: Only 7 countries meet clean air standards

 A shocking new report from Switzerland-based air quality monitoring database IQAir reveals that only seven countries meet the World Health Organization's (WHO) air quality standards.

The findings, based on data from 40,000 monitoring stations across 138 countries, disclose that most of the world’s population is inhaling dangerously polluted air. They also paint a grim picture of a planet suffocating under the weight of its own progress.

Chad, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India and the Democratic Republic of Congo top the list of nations with the dirtiest air. In these countries, the average smog levels are more than 15 times higher than WHO guidelines.

Chad, for instance, earned the dubious distinction of being the most polluted country in 2022, a result of Sahara dust storms and rampant crop burning. Meanwhile, India – home to 13 of the world's 20 most polluted cities – continues to grapple with industrial emissions, vehicular pollution and unchecked urbanization. (Related: Air pollution in late pregnancy increases NICU admissions, study warns.)

The report underscores a troubling reality: The scale of the problem is likely far worse than the data suggests. In Africa, for example, there is only one air quality monitoring station for every 3.7 million people. This lack of infrastructure means that millions are living in areas where pollution levels are not even measured, let alone addressed.

The situation is further exacerbated by the recent decision of the U.S. Department of State to halt its air quality monitoring program at embassies and consulates worldwide. For many developing nations, these U.S.-operated monitors were the only reliable source of real-time pollution data...<<<Read More>>>...

Saturday, 15 March 2025

[Try Listening For 3 Minutes] Out Of Body Experience – OBE – Powerful Meditation Music, Deep Trance

When Dissent Becomes a Crime: The War on Political Speech Begins

 You can’t have it both ways.

You can’t live in a constitutional republic if you allow the government to act like a police state.

You can’t claim to value freedom if you allow the government to operate like a dictatorship.

You can’t expect to have your rights respected if you allow the government to treat whomever it pleases with disrespect and an utter disregard for the rule of law.

There’s always a boomerang effect.

Whatever dangerous practices you allow the government to carry out now—whether it’s in the name of national security or protecting America’s borders or making America great again—rest assured, these same practices can and will be used against you when the government decides to set its sights on you.

Arresting political activists engaged in lawful, nonviolent protest activities is merely the shot across the bow.

The chilling of political speech and suppression of dissident voices are usually among the first signs that you’re in the midst of a hostile takeover by forces that are not friendly to freedom. This is how it begins...<<<Read More>>>...

DEF LEPPARD - "Armageddon It"

Temporarily Out of Balance

 We are all almost always in the process of learning something new, developing an underused ability or talent, or toning down an overused one. Some of us are involved in learning how to speak up for ourselves, while others are discovering how to be more considerate. In the process of becoming, we are always growing and fine tuning one of our many qualities, and it is a natural part of this process for things to get out of balance. This may be upsetting to us or the people around us, but we can trust that it’s normal in self-development.

For example, when we are setting boundaries and taking care of ourselves, we may go through a phase of needing to learn how to say no. During this time, we might say no to just about everything, as a way of practicing and exploring this ability. Like a child who starts saying a new word, we want to try out this new avenue of expression and empowerment as much as we can. It is new and exciting for us, and we want to explore it fully. We are mastering a new skill, and eventually, as we integrate it into our overall identity, it will resume its position as one part of our balanced life.

Throughout these phases, we overcompensate for a quality that was suppressed in our life, and the swinging of the pendulum from under-use to overuse serves to bring that quality into balance. Understanding what’s happening is a useful tool that helps us to be patient with the process. In the end, the pendulum settles comfortably in the center, restoring balance inside and out. (Daily OM)

How Covid 'vaccines' paved the way for mRNA Cancer 'vaccines'

The unprecedentedly speedy development and approval of the various Covid "vaccines" - most using previously unsuccessful mRNA technology - is considered a scientific miracle by ardent followers of The ScienceTM.

Many others - us included - see it another way: one of the greatest scams ever perpetrated against a scared public, and a potentially incredibly dangerous and even deadly one.

But the damage done by that process doesn't stop at the Covid "vaccines" themselves, they have opened the door for more and more "vaccines" to be rushed to market. That includes potentially "bespoke cancer vaccines", of which there are currently hundreds of medical trials taking place around the world.

Earlier today Wired published an interview with Lennard Lee, oncologist and director at the Ellison Institute of Technology in Oxford, headlined: Covid Vaccines Have Paved the Way for Cancer Vaccines

It's quite an interesting read.

For one thing, if I'm understanding Dr Lee's words correctly, these products aren't really "vaccines" [emphasis added]: 

 In the current trials, we do a biopsy of the patient, sequence the tissue, send it to the pharmaceutical company, and they design a personalized vaccine that's bespoke to that patient's cancer. They don't prevent people from getting cancer, they are used to treat people who already have cancer. Meaning they're not "vaccines" in the true sense of the word at all.

This echoes the Covid "vaccines", which are known to prevent neither infection nor transmission of "Covid", but only "limit severity" (the reason they can't prevent transmission or infection is that "Covid" doesn't really exist, but we've covered that enough).....<<<Read More>>>...

Food for Thought #594


How the BBC and the climate change industry shapes the narrative

 Ten years ago, Professor Norman Fenton co-presented a BBC documentary called ‘Climate Change by Numbers’. During the filming process, he came to realise that it was a propaganda piece for climate change hysteria.

Before the documentary was filmed, Prof Fenton was sceptical of the man-made climate change narrative. But unknown to him until after filming had begun, the BBC had made an internal decision to not allow sceptical views on climate change to be presented and the programme was heavily scripted by outside climate activists.

Prof. Fenton was subject to a non-disclosure agreement and feels he may still be bound by it. But he is now speaking out against the programme, 10 years after its release, and apologising for his role in it. His story reveals the extent of the propaganda and corruption in the climate change industry....<<<Read More>>>....

Nearly 100 million Americans exposed to toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in tap water, study finds

 Nearly 100 million Americans are drinking tap water contaminated with harmful "forever chemicals," according to a groundbreaking study by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). 

These per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), linked to cancer, developmental issues, and thyroid problems, have infiltrated groundwater supplies across the nation, particularly in major cities like New York, Miami, and Chicago. 

Despite decades of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) oversight, the widespread contamination highlights a growing public health crisis that demands urgent action...<<<Read More>>>...

Friday, 14 March 2025

Why is Rachel Reeves Cutting Benefits Before Defunding Gay Porn Studies?

 This week it was revealed that Chancellor Rachel Reeves is planning to make major cuts to benefits in her spring budget, with over £6 billion of welfare savings in the pipeline. These “will see far tougher tests imposed for a key disability benefit, some payments frozen in 2026, and major changes to the way Universal Credit is calculated”, according to one report.

Clearly the benefits system is a complete mess and one of many things bleeding Britain dry, with the UK forecast to spend £319.1 billion on the social security system in 2024-25. There’s no doubt that it needs a radical rethink and slimming down. But I wonder if Reeves could have picked on easier targets to make savings. Benefit cuts are controversial, and come with a real risk of harming vulnerable people, unfairly punished on behalf of others abusing the system. In short, why not go for some brazenly ridiculous things first (which I will show you in this article)?...<<<Read More>>>...

Thin Lizzy - Still in Love With You - live at the Rainbow (1978)

Ukraine guilty over 2014 Odessa massacre - ECHR

Kiev failed to both prevent the tragedy and to properly investigate it, the court has ruled

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that the Ukrainian authorities were responsible for the deaths of 42 anti-coup activists in the city of Odessa in 2014. They lost their lives when Ukrainian nationalists, who supported the armed takeover in Kiev weeks earlier, torched the port city's Trade Unions House where the protesters had gathered.

"The Court concluded that the relevant authorities had not done everything they reasonably could to prevent the violence, to stop that violence after its outbreak, and to ensure timely rescue measures for those trapped in the fire in the Trade Union Building," the ECHR said in its decision published on Thursday.

More than a decade later, Kiev has not named or prosecuted any of the perpetrators. Instead, it pinned the blame on Moscow, claiming that the events in Odessa were "a pre-planned and well-financed operation" by the Russian security services. Moscow has repeatedly called for an investigation, even a special tribunal on the massacre.

Relatives of 25 victims, as well as three people who had survived the fire, filed complaints against Kiev with the ECHR. The court found the Ukrainian police "had ignored the available intelligence and the relevant warning signs" and failed to make any "meaningful attempt to prevent the clashes" that led to the fire. The ECHR believes that "propaganda from Russia had had its part" in stirring up tensions, but said that does not absolve Kiev of responsibility for the massacre.

The nation's law enforcement did not make "any real attempt" to prevent the violence or to stop it, or to save those trapped in the burning building. "The deployment of fire engines to the site of the fire had been deliberately delayed for 40 minutes, and the police had not stepped in to help evacuate people," the decision said, adding that "negligence" of Ukrainian officials "went beyond an error of judgement and carelessness." ...<<<Read More>>>...

Food for Thought #593


The Engine of Life — Understanding Mitochondrial Energy Production

A diseased body is like a car that has run out of gas. The engine might be intact, the tires perfectly inflated and the body free of dents, but without fuel, the car won’t move. Similarly, the human body cannot function without energy.

Unfortunately, modern medicine often resembles a mechanic diligently fixing flat tires or replacing spark plugs in a car that’s simply out of fuel. No amount of tinkering will get it moving if the real issue is not addressed.

This is precisely what happens when surface-level symptoms are treated without addressing the root cause of diseases — a profound energy deficit at the cellular level. Every process in your body depends on cellular energy produced by the mitochondria. When energy levels are sufficient, your body can repair and regenerate, even if the damage is severe. But when energy production falters, your body stalls, healing slows and chronic illnesses take hold.

The current approach to medicine fails to acknowledge this fundamental truth. By focusing on managing symptoms, it offers temporary fixes rather than lasting solutions. True healing requires shifting the focus to restoring cellular energy production — the very foundation of health. Only by optimizing this energy system will you be able to unlock your body’s innate ability to heal and thrive....<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - "Flute Bird"


All the talk about “ultra-processed foods” overshadows the importance of eating FLAVONOIDS

 In a world where processed foods and synthetic supplements dominate the health conversation, the humble flavonoid remains an underappreciated hero. These naturally occurring compounds, found abundantly in fruits, vegetables, and herbs, are quietly working behind the scenes to protect your cells, reduce inflammation, and combat chronic disease. Yet, despite their proven benefits, flavonoids are rarely highlighted in mainstream dietary guidelines. This oversight leaves many Americans unaware of how these plant-based powerhouses can transform their health.

For decades, researchers have studied flavonoids, uncovering their remarkable ability to neutralize free radicals, support cardiovascular health, and even enhance cognitive function. From the vibrant pigments of blueberries to the bitter notes of dark chocolate, flavonoids are as diverse as they are beneficial. But why aren’t they a staple in every health-conscious individual’s diet? The answer lies in a food system that prioritizes convenience over nutrition and profit over prevention, We get caught up focusing on the negative aspects of ultra processed foods instead of looking at God's healing design, provided to us through raw, whole foods, herbs, roots, and berries.

Flavonoids are a class of polyphenolic compounds found in plants, where they serve as protective agents against environmental stressors like UV radiation and pests. When consumed by humans, these compounds exhibit similar protective effects. Studies have shown that flavonoids can reduce oxidative stress, a key driver of aging and chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s...<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday, 13 March 2025

The Great Awakening - 3D to 5D Consciousness - 432 Hz + 963 Hz

Massive stretch of Amazon rainforest destroyed for upcoming COP30 climate summit’s 4-lane highway: ‘This is a loss’

 This proves what the Elite really think about the earth plane ....


Somebody get Greta on the horn!

Tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest are being cleared and paved over to build a new four-lane highway for, of all things, the upcoming COP30 climate summit in Brazil.

The eight-mile stretch of new highway — dubbed Avenida Liberdade, or Avenue of Liberty — has gouged a deep gash through a large swath of Amazon rainforest just in time for world leaders to convene to discuss how much they care about the Amazon rainforest.

Photos published by the BBC show the bare corridors where heavy machinery ripped through the lush, unspoiled landscape now littered with log piles — the sounds of insect chirps and birdsongs replaced by a chorus of rumbling diesel engines and the whine of hydraulic excavators gutting the forest floor.

More than 50,000 people are expected for the 30th annual UN climate summit in Belém, in November, including a number of world leaders.

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silv boasted that this year’s event will be “a COP in the Amazon, not a COP about the Amazon.”

The state government of Pará initially hatched the idea for the thoroughfare in 2012, but it was repeatedly put on hold after concerns were raised over its environmental impact.

The state government has repeatedly insisted the highway is “sustainable” — but that rings hollow to locals and conservationists who are condemning the project.

“Everything was destroyed,” said Claudio Verequete, who lives about a quarter-mile from the roadway in progress and used to make a living harvesting açaí berries from trees near his land which are no longer standing.

“Our harvest has already been cut down. We no longer have that income to support our family,” he told the outlet, noting he has not received any compensation from the government and is keeping his finances afloat by dipping into savings.

Even worse, Verequete said he’s afraid now that the once-unspoiled rainforest has been marred, future incursions further into the land could be imminent.

“Our fear is that one day someone will come here and say: ‘Here’s some money. We need this area to build a gas station, or to build a warehouse.’ And then we’ll have to leave.”

“We were born and raised here in the community. Where are we going to go?”

The highway will effectively bifurcate a large section of rainforest, raising concerns among scientists about the effects on wildlife in the area....<<<Read More>>>...

No Going Back

 There are times when we feel that we are spinning our wheels in the mud in terms of our spiritual progress. This can be especially true following a period of major growth in which we feel as if we’ve gained a lot of ground. In fact, this is the way growth goes -- periods of intense forward movement give way to periods of what seems like stagnation. In those moments when we feel discouraged, it’s helpful to remember that we don’t ever really go backward. It may be that we are at a standstill because there is a new obstacle in our paths, or a new layer to get through, but the hard work we have done cannot be undone.

Every step on the path is meaningful, and even one that seems to take us backward is a forward step in the sense that it is what we must do to move to the next level. In addition, an intense growth spurt requires that we rest for a time in order to fully integrate the new energies that have been liberated by our hard work. When we feel we are not making progress, we can encourage ourselves to take a moment to rest. We can meditate more, feed ourselves well, and get extra sleep. Before we know it, we will be spurred on to work toward the next level of our development, and this rest will make sense then as something we needed in order to continue.

Once the sun rises, it doesn’t go backward but instead follows its path in one direction. It may appear to stand still for a moment in time, or to move more slowly at some point or another, but really it is steadily moving forward on its path. We are the same way, and once we have moved through something we can never really go back. We may be resting or revisiting issues that seem old, and it’s natural to feel stuck, but in truth we are always taking the next important step forward on our path. (Daily OM)

Food for Thought #592


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name

The decades-long “climate change” plan to strip away personal freedom, wealth and property

The Rockefeller family and the Trilateral Commission have been orchestrating a sinister plan under the guise of “climate change.” This scheme raises serious threats to individual freedom, personal wealth and property rights. What’s really at stake in this agenda and how might it impact our way of life? Jesse Smith dives into the implications and uncovers the truth behind the headlines.

Jesse Smith has been publishing a series of articles titled ‘Technocracy Ascending’. 

The following is Part 3. You can find other parts published so far by following the hyperlinks below: Technocracy Ascending – Part 1: Why It’s Crucial to Understand the End Game
Technocracy Ascending – Part 2: Trust Me, I’m a Technocrat

In Part 3, Smith describes how the Rockefeller family and the Trilateral Commission have been instrumental in advancing a new international economic order and global governance, aiming to establish a technocratic dictatorship.

They co-opted the environmental movement, using fear and misinformation to shift the blame for ecological damage from corporations to individuals, and promoting the concept of Sustainable Development as a means to control resources and populations.

The Rockefeller family has created and funded various organisations, including The World Bank, the United Nations and the Club of Rome, to promote the theory of anthropogenic global warming and push for a sustainable future.

The United Nations’ Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 are key plans to implement a technocratic system, to inventory and control all aspects of human life and nature, ultimately leading to the annihilation of individual rights and national sovereignty.

The ultimate goal of the “green economy” is not environmental protection, but a wealth redistribution scheme that benefits multinational corporations and private banks, while stripping away individual freedom, wealth and property....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


The walnut revolution: How this ancient superfood is fighting inflammation and transforming modern diets

When it comes to superfoods, walnuts have long been overshadowed by trendier options like chia seeds, kale and acai berries. But new research is shining a spotlight on this humble nut, revealing its extraordinary potential to combat inflammation—a root cause of many chronic diseases. A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology has added to the growing body of evidence that walnuts are not just a tasty snack but a powerful ally for long-term health.

Inflammation is a double-edged sword. While acute inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection, chronic inflammation is linked to a host of health issues, including heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. The new study, which revisited data from the Walnuts and Healthy Aging (WAHA) trial, found that incorporating walnuts into daily meals significantly reduced inflammatory biomarkers in older adults.

The WAHA trial, originally conducted eight years ago, followed 700 participants aged 63 to 79 over a two-year period. Researchers analyzed 10 different biomarkers of inflammation and discovered that those who consumed walnuts daily experienced a notable decrease in six of these markers compared to the control group. This finding is particularly significant because chronic inflammation is a key driver of aging-related diseases.

While some skeptics point to conflicting studies, the researchers behind this analysis argue that earlier meta-analyses with smaller sample sizes and shorter durations may have missed the mark. "This study provides robust evidence that walnuts can play a role in reducing inflammation, especially when consumed consistently over time," said Dr. Montserrat Cofán, one of the study's lead authors....<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Food for Thought #591


Healing Loneliness

 Loneliness is something we all feel sometimes. But it’s not merely about being alone; it’s also about feeling like we don’t quite fit or that no one understands us. Sometimes, we build walls around our hearts or disconnect from others in an attempt to protect ourselves from potential hurt or rejection. These walls might keep us safe for a little while, but they also keep us from the warmth of real connection.

Healing from loneliness starts with allowing ourselves to be seen, just as we are. You don’t need to suppress who you really are to be loved and appreciated. In fact, true connection happens when we shed the armor we’ve built and allow ourselves to be human. When we open up and show the world our true selves — vulnerable and imperfect — we invite the kind of closeness and friendship that nurtures our hearts.

It’s amazing how much our lives can transform when we stop hiding and start showing up fully — when we take the risk to connect, even when it feels scary. Through practices that nurture our emotional well-being, like meditation, mindfulness, and self-compassion, we can start to dissolve the walls we’ve built. And it’s in these moments of openness that we discover the connections we crave are always waiting for us, just beyond our self-imposed walls. (Daily OM)

Keir Starmer warns Labour MPs that ‘unfair’ welfare bill must be slashed – as PM tries to defuse a growing rebellion over the issue

 Keir Starmer last night vowed to press ahead with benefit cuts as he branded the welfare system ‘unsustainable, indefensible and unfair.’

The Prime Minister tried to defuse a growing Labour rebellion over the issue by warning that failure to address welfare reform risked creating a ‘wasted generation’.

Rachel Reeves is looking to slash £6 billion off the benefits bill this month to help balance the books. Ministers are also looking at longer term reforms designed to curb a sickness benefits bill forecast to hit £70 billion by the end of the decade.

Addressing Labour MPs behind closed doors last night, the PM said: ‘We’ve found ourselves in a worst of all worlds situation – with the wrong incentives – discouraging people from working, the taxpayer funding a spiralling bill, £70 billion a year by 2030.’

He said one in eight young people were now not in education, employment or training, adding: ‘That’s unsustainable, it’s indefensible and it is unfair, people feel that in their bones.

‘It runs contrary to those deep British values that if you can work, you should. And if you want to work, the government should support you, not stop you.’

Sir Keir told his MPs that voters ‘want the status quo to be challenged’, as he vowed to be ‘ruthless and bold’ in driving through reforms.

His intervention came amid a growing Labour backlash over plans to balance the books by cutting benefits.

Labour sources say dozens of MPs are urging Rachel Reeves to change her ‘fiscal rules’ this month i to allow more borrowing and avoid cutting welfare.

Former frontbencher Rachel Maskell said the Chancellor should adopt ‘a carrot approach, not a stick approach’. She added: ‘We’ve got to make the right interventions and that doesn’t start with the stick.’

Asked about the mood among Labour MPs about the prospect of welfare cuts, she told the BBC: ‘All I have picked up is deep, deep concern and that’s clearly reflected from the stories we’re hearing from our constituents.’

Fellow Labour MP Neil Duncan Jordan said that cutting benefits would be ‘disastrous’ and urged the Chancellor to ‘tax the super-rich instead’.

Former Labour chancellor John McDonnell warned that welfare cuts would ‘cause great hardship and suffering,’ adding: ‘This is not what any Labour government was elected to do.’

Ministers are looking at long term reform of the benefits system as well as short term cuts as they try to bring the ballooning benefits bill under control.

Ms Reeves is seeking £6 billion in cuts this month after stuttering growth and rising government borrowing costs put her on course to break the fiscal rules she set out in October’s Budget....<<<Read More>>>...

The Ego’s Final Stand or Humanity’s Awakening? A Critical Crossroad

 Today, many people sense an increasing tension between a world dominated by the individual ego and the awakening of collective consciousness.

This duality manifests in countless ways within society, raising the question:

Are we truly witnessing the reign of strong egos, or is the awakening of collective consciousness quietly unfolding in the background?

When looking at the current global situation, many feel that strong egos are taking center stage, while the awakening of collective consciousness has slowed down or been pushed into the background.

Wars, economic crises, political polarization, social conflicts, and the dominance of self-interest all create the impression that the ego has reached the height of its power.

Or could it be a temporary illusion – one that is actually part of the awakening process?...<<<Read More>>>...


Quote for the Day


New sentencing guidelines embed bias against white males in UK’s legal system

 The Sentencing Council for England and Wales has introduced new guidelines that emphasise the use of pre-sentence reports, which will lead to more lenient sentences for non-white, non-Christian groups, effectively creating a two-tier justice system.

The revised guidelines are promoting identity politics and favouring non-white and non-male offenders. It is enshrining racial and sexist bias into the heart of the UK’s legal system. “The anti-white, anti-male takeover of Britain is all but complete,” Frank Haviland writes.

Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood has expressed displeasure with the guidelines but her opposition has been met with scepticism given the Labour government’s past support for similar policies, and the fact that the revised guidelines are based on David Lammy’s 2017 review of discrimination in the criminal justice system.

Equality before the law (the only form of equality worth entertaining) has long been a bad joke in Britain. Whether it’s Jews interfering with the latest jihad march by looking “openly Jewish,” fathers arrested for objecting to the multicultural gang rape of their daughters, or the policing disparity between the Black Lives Matter (“BLM”) and Brexit, Covid and Tommy Robinson marches, anyone with a pulse realises that the likelihood of getting your collar felt in 2025 rests largely on your ability to identify as anything other than a white male.

Up till now, the powers that be have at least pretended this is something they do not approve of. Even as he emptied the prisons of rapists and murderers to make room for native Brits who tweeted things he disapproves of, Keir Starmer told us categorically: “There is no two-tier policing. There is policing without fear or favour – exactly as it should be, exactly what I would expect and require.”

We all enjoy a giggle now and then, which is presumably why The Sentencing Council for England and Wales has chosen 1 April to enact its overhaul of the sentencing guidelines – the principles that magistrates and judges must follow when imposing community orders and custodial sentences.

The primary focus of the revision is the additional emphasis it places on pre-sentence reports – those compiled by the Probation Service, to assist the court in fully understanding the background in certain cases. Here is an excerpt from the Council’s statement on pre-sentence reports....<<<Read More>>>...

Globalist deep state threatened by patriot revolt, UK’s role in global warfare exposed

 In a chilling development that underscores the intensifying conflict between independent media and the globalist deep state, the murder of Infowars journalist Jamie White and the recent swatting attacks on Chase Geyser have been linked to a coordinated campaign spearheaded by an entity deeply entrenched in the UK. These events reveal a sinister pattern aimed at silencing voices critical of the official narrative surrounding the Ukraine-Russia conflict. 

Sunday night marked the brutal murder of Jamie White, an Infowars journalist, in Austin, Texas. Surveillance footage reviewed by authorities suggests that White was a target on a kill list, which included names of prominent figures who have questioned or opposed the Ukraine narrative. The list was reportedly compiled by a Ukrainian organization fronted by the CIA and funded by U.S. taxpayers through a slush fund known as USAID. White’s death, alongside the swatting attacks on Chase Geyser, Infowars journalist, points to a broader agenda aimed at intimidating and silencing critics of the globalist narrative.

Chase Geyser, who has been a pivotal voice challenging the pro-Ukraine stance since the inception of the conflict, faced multiple swatting incidents that same day. Geyser recounted how emergency services received multiple false reports, alleging that someone had broken into his house and killed his dog, forcing him to seek shelter in the basement. Geyser’s neighbors detailed the chaos that ensued, as multiple police cars descended on the scene, only to realize the call was part of a coordinated cyber attack.

"Geyser’s experience underscores the magnitude of the campaign against independent media," Adams said. "The swatting incidents are clearly part of a larger orchestrated effort, utilizing Ukraine as a proxy to execute attacks against those perceived as threats to the mainstream narrative....<<<Read More>>>...

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

How To Undertake Divination Insights #3

 So, we have a new 'answer board' before us, and it is your intention to gain insight into all available information relating to the situation.

Before you even LOOK at the answer board, it is vital to set up your BASE LINE ... how do you feel right now? What aches and pains have you got? What state of mind?

It is critical to take some time to assess your base line. Because, once you look at the answer board, it could all change ...

Those changes in thoughts, feelings, body status could be important insights.

Once you are ready, take in the nine images and see how they are affecting you. If we start with sadness and shock as the first impressions from the answer board. Disbelief and anger ....

But why? And from who ... you might get something different, which is fine ... take note of your first impressions. 

Now look at the the middle card. It looks like a snake slithering through a kitchen as there are kitchen utensils. There are also dried reed grass strands hanging on the wall behind the snake. This is the rune Beorc which is new beginnings.

We should literally analyse this as it is seen ... a snake (Untrustworthy person) is seen walking through a kitchen. There are new beginnings beckoning for the person. The reeds are the reminder of what has happened, or is going to happen.

The dried grass? What does that relate to? Is it evidence? Is it a thought in someone's mind?

Remember this first impression and add it to the feelings we got .... so we are building a picture of the situation... around the new beginnings are sadness, shock, disbelief and anger.

We gaze immediately down at the reference to turbulent water ... and above to the image of the cleansing fire with mountains behind. The top is Daeg and see that the fire in the foregound matches the flames in the background. Daeg = day and signifies in this instance some kind of instructed response or doing what we are told to do; or say what we are told to say. This adds intrigue to the situation as it implies foul play.

What are you getting at this point?

Lagu reversed at the bottom and the turbulence of water and a boat in trouble. Is this symbology or an actual event? That is the question as it is the clue to what caused the new beginnings .... what has been said seems to be different to what really went on and the snake (Untrustworthy person) is going along with it. 

Waves at sea appear to be related to what really took place and a vessel on that sea. 

Looking in the past ... the horse bolting due to a lightning flash. Literal or symbolic? This appears as an indicator of the shock that is to come; the warning bells ringing. Eh is also related to personal power or the power someone has in their life .... 

The runes above and below are Yr and Nyd. Nyd shows a pair of worn shoes which suggests some kind of financial hardship forcing someone into a course of action indicated elsewhere in the answer board.

Yr can relate to personal journeys and fulfillment of projects. As an old yew tree dies, a new one grows within its decaying structure. It means that outward appearances have been deceptive as what really is going on is hidden out of view within a current venture. The untrustworthy man had sinister and hidden roots which are implicated in this situation.

But what is the situation? Have you figured that out yet? The current new beginnings or end of an old chapter and the start of a new one ... are not how they seem. A horse is likely to bolt when there is a lightning flash ... which suggests tremendous pressure and an individual prone to wanting to run or was not stable in their situation. To some that would be seen a person who is a liability. 

The forward images ... a new beginning for the snake (Untrustworthy person) is potential fertile plans and opportunities. The gift card suggests gifts and unexpected options for this person. Hearth reversed suggests the snake will be able to now afford to move home and go out of sights in a new town/country. 

How did you go on?