Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Loving the Light

The wondrous displays of colour that define the world around us are manifestations of light and, as such, each possesses a unique frequency. The attraction we feel to certain colours is not a matter of pure chance—we experience the beneficial affects of colour even while blindfolded. We are naturally drawn to those colours that lift our mood, expand consciousness, and restore health. Colour therapy, also known as chromo therapy, allows us to harness the power of individual colour frequencies to heal the body, positively influence our emotions, and achieve a renewed sense of inner harmony through sympathetic resonance.
Colours do not directly affect the composition of our physical, mental, or aura, but they non-invasively alter the vibrational characteristics of diverse elements of the self so that each resonates at its proper healthy frequency. It is easy to overlook the colours that saturate our personal and professional environments. Yet these, whether in the form of the paint on our walls or the clothing we wear, can influence our thoughts, behaviours, and feelings to an extraordinary degree. The colours we like best are often those that we need most in our lives, and there are many ways we can utilize them. Basking under a coloured light bulb or gazing at an area of colour can stimulate or calm us depending on the colour we choose. For example, red stimulates the brain, circulatory systems, and first chakra, giving us an energy boost, while blue acts on the throat chakra, soothing the body and mind. And when we do not feel drawn to any one colour, we can still benefit from the healing effects of white light, which is an amalgamation of all the colours of the visible spectrum. It is a cleansing colour, one that can purify us on many levels.
Human beings evolved to delight in vivid sunsets and rainbows, to enjoy the sensations awakened by particularly eye-catching colour, and to decorate our spaces and ourselves with bright colours. In essence, we evolved to love the light because of its harmonizing influence on every aspect of the self. When we pay attention to the potential affects of individual colours, we can modify our spaces, wardrobes, and habits to ensure that we introduce the colours that speak to us most deeply in our everyday lives.