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Thursday 10 July 2008

Genuine Psychic Experiment

Moving on from the ‘ESP test’ of recent times, this post represents a genuine psychic experiment. For the sceptical and the cynical ... it may well prove to be a great topic for laughter and ridicule. It matters not ... the experiment has been devised with genuine reasoning behind it. It’s been considered for a while ... ‘how to give people the opportunity to test their own abilities of remote viewing and psychic-ness’ ...

The concept is simple. Below is a blank space which represents an image which forms the basis of the experiment. The image itself is stored on my hard drive ... and its content has been ‘mentally impressed’ on to the blank space below.

Your mission is to clear your mind ... spend a few minutes gazing at the blank space in an attempt to ‘tune in’ to what the image is (not what it might be ... but what it IS. Reinforce the reality you know what the image is) ... and with that positive thinking ... begin to see what is there.

BLANK SPACE (what was the image here?)

Those interested in trying the experiment are welcomed to e-mail us here at A Light In The Darkness with your impressions. We will then genuinely e-mail back the image itself .... we say ‘genuinely’ as there is no attempt here to mislead or fool around with this experiment.

In a week’s time the image will then be posted on the blog as a public revealing ... those of you who e-mailed in will then be able to verify it was indeed the image ... it seems the only way at this time to conduct an experiment of the this type. By the way I’ve also been focussing on the image content as I write this post. I am offering NO clues to its content. It can be just about anything at all ... the harder the better; the more impressive the results ....

Good luck ....