Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 6 July 2008

Quote For The Day: 'The Kingdom Of Mind'

The time is coming when we shall not have to work for things, for our physical needs in the way of food and clothing, because they will come to us through the accumulation of the right ideas in our mind.

We will begin to understand that clothing represents one idea of substance, food another, and that every manifest thing is representative of an idea. We find that the elemental substance is in our body. It is a kingdom of substance and of Mind. This Mind interpenetrates our mind and our mind interpenetrates and pervades our body. Its substance pervades every atom of our body.

Are you giving it your attention, or do you still look to outer sources for supply? Are you meditating and praying for an understanding of this omnipresent substance? If you are, it will come, and it will demonstrate prosperity for you. When it does, you are secure, for nothing can take that true prosperity from you.

It is the law that does not and cannot fail to operate when once set in operation in the right way.