In life the Ka and sahu were one of the same but the ka slowly diminished until only the sahu housed the ba. However the Egyptians also believed that the Ka could leave the body during life and drew pictures of people sleeping with their Kas or souls floating above them. This is very similar to the modern day descriptions of NDE’s (Near Death Experiences). Here the soul leaves the body at the point of death only to return again if the person is resuscitated.
The Tibetans believe in the bardo body, which can leave the physical body while still alive and can also pass through physical matter because it is made of psychic material. The bardo body can be directed wherever by will.
Ancient Greeks believed in a ‘double body’, which housed the soul. Plato believed that the soul was freed on death but could also leave the body during life and when it did it perceived the physical world as dimly lit.
Almost half claimed that certain members of their cultures could do this at will. Only three cultures seemed to have no concepts or beliefs about this subject. Those that did seemed to accept it as a normal and natural part of human existence.” (A Beginners Guide to Astral Projection by Richard Craze - Hodder & Stoughton 1999 - ISBN: 0340 737557Source: Learning Remote Viewing.Com