Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Eagle Totem Animal

Because of his high flight, Eagle has been seen as a symbol of divinity among many cultures. To the Greeks he symbolised Zeus, father of wind and lightning; while the Native Americans see him as connection to Great Spirit. Eagle teaches us that we have the ability to soar to great heights if only we will find the courage to do so. Once we dare to reach, we find that the upcurrents and thermals of the Universe will support us.

Through Eagle we learn that the joy and freedom we gain through reaching for the Sun is worth the fear of singed feathers.
From his great height, Eagle's view of what is possible becomes broader, his horizons more limitless. Eagle people are may often seem apart from the crowd, where thier perspective can give them a better view of the big picture. Their broader perception gives them an inherent understanding of what must be done, and that in nature, the greatest mercy is often a swift kill.

However, Eagle's beak is swift and tearing, and Eagle people should remember that others view of the situation may be limited and to temper their words so that they do not cut others apart. It is important to learn that there is a time for force and a time for gentleness. There may also be a need to work at releasing past and repressed angers, so that the heart is lighter and can soar to greater heights.

Eagle's talons are strong and fierce. Those with Eagle medicine should be willing to grasp opportunity as it comes. To dive towards what they deem necessary or helpful.

The feathers of the Eagle are said to hold great cleansing and healing power. Legend also tells that the Eagle would undergo a Phoenix-like rejuvenation by flying close to the Sun and burning away its feathers, then bathing in clear water and be reborn. Eagle medicine teaches us to work towards releasing past hurts by embracing our inner core self -- the Sun at our heart, and by being willing to accept our emotions and heal. For those working Eagle there is a need for purification; willingness to embrace the creative Child Self at our core; and courage to let the processes of growth move through our lives.

Eagle thrives best in an environment of quiet isolation. Eagle people should be certain to make space in their lives for alone-time.

Though a creature of the air, Eagle has strong associations in all elemental realms. He soars toward the sun (Fire) and yet purifies in a lake, according to legend (Water) -- also, the Bald Eagle lives near water & dines on fish -- and eats of the creatures of Earth. The strength of his legs, far stronger than most birds, also speak of a need for grounding and Earth association. Through this, we understand that the journey to our Higher Self is an alchemical process wherein the greatest growth will occur when there is balance in all dimensions.