First off, I’d like to apologise for my not-so-well written piece last month…I can only put it down to painkillers but when I read it back a couple of times (after it had gone up!) I realised I missed out quite a bit about sleep affirmation techniques, so please feel free to ask for a better explanation as I am (I hope) well on the mend now from our accident. My heart goes in my mouth when I’m driving past THE PLACE but I’ll get over it.
I’d like to write about something really off the wall this month, but I just feel it needs airing..
Some of you know that a few years ago I saw something in the sky that had no explanation and made no sense. For those who don’t, here’s a short background. I was sitting on a neighbour’s drive one late, sunny afternoon with the neighbour and her friend, and right above my house two of us saw a dark grey, mm, torpedo is the nearest word to explain, appear in the sky and then fly into a very low, wispy cloud – where it promptly disappeared. It was clear as a bell, dark gunmetal grey, no rivets, doors or windows and at the time I described the shape like one of those plastic Kinder egg cases, like a very fat stubby cigar. Well, I never forgot that, its always puzzled me and recently I was sitting in the garden with my husband, looking at the clouds. Some of them were very low and wispy and I said that I half expected to see that thing again, as the clouds were similar. My husband asked how big did it look from where I was sitting, I said it looked about as big as a doughnut. He sat looking up for a bit and then said, “do you know what, it must have been fecking HUGE”. Because as you know when logic hits, those low clouds aren’t really low at all, are they? I suppose I’ll never know what it was, just a glitch in reality.
I thought about other times when I’d had a glitch. Not many, but twice when I was out on the top stairs of the new theatre project office having a ciggie break, I looked over the landscape and it shifted – you know like when the TV jumps? Only a split second but you know perfectly well what just happened. And an old, old memory when I was out walking with my dad, I saw a fantastic looking insect, a huge bug as big as a dragonfly but with a beetle body in reds, golds, yellows, blues – I yelled for him to come see, looked back and it was gone. He said I was imagining things. I said the same to him one Saturday night when he said I’d walked past him upstairs in a lovely dress when at the time I was sitting downstairs in my jeans and teeshirt. Poor dad, he spent ages looking for this glamorous imposter whom he was convinced must have been a very upmarket burglar! Now he’s passed over, I bet he knows…
So I’ve been thinking about that, these glitches. My daughter has to look after tropical frogs at work and they live in a tank that looks like a little rain forest, with rocks and shrubs that every now and then have to be removed for cleaning. Behind the rocks and shrubs are pipes and valves, and she was telling me that when they do the maintenance, the frogs get very curious and come to see the strange new surroundings. Then when they put everything back in place, the frogs settle down again and carry on as normal. We wondered if that is their glitch in reality, something curious that they can’t explain, and that led us to talk about our own experiences.
When she was at Uni there was an argument one summer night when everyone was outside – the clouds were drifting in front of – and then just once behind – the moon. Some people realised what they’d seen and were awestruck and agitated. Some others said what was wrong with that? (!) How could something happen like that – totally inexplicable? She recently posted that experience on a forum and two people said they’d seen it happen also. I plan to ask my son and my eldest daughter if they have any glitch stories, so if you’re reading this kids, get thinking back.
Oh, I nearly forgot about the camping pans! My husband and I (she said royally) before we married, decided to go camping one weekend. I still lived at my mum’s then so he came round and we loaded up the car outside her house. We put everything on the grass verge outside and checked everything was there before loading up. Later we agreed that the camping pans were laid out on the verge, we both saw them as did my mother. When we arrived at the campsite – a field in the middle of nowhere – it was late at night, so we put up the tent and left everything else in the car. Next morning we went to get the pans and kettle to make breakfast but they weren’t there; we had that ‘you must have left them, no YOU must have left them’ discussion, but gave up and found a handy burger van instead. On the Sunday night we came back and took the tent and sleeping bags round to my husband’s flat. We opened the living room door, and the camping pans were stacked up one on top of the other in the middle of the living room carpet! Some things you just cannot find words to discuss…..
Does anyone out there have any curious, inexplicable experiences that they’d like to report in – please email me them, I’d really love to hear about them. I’d especially love to hear if anyone else has seen things in their everyday surroundings that are impossible, like the moon/cloud thing for example.
Are we like the frogs, thinking we live in one reality but in fact that is just a well placed arrangement of pretty shrubs and rocks, hiding what is really real, to keep us in some little vivarium? What is going on here?
There’s a guru in India who stares at the sun – he says it feeds him and sustains him and he has no damage to his eyes.
We are told not to look at the sun and to always wear a hat but I read recently on a natural health website that you need to get the sun on your crown for at least 30mins a day whenever possible (in the UK rarely!), to stimulate and clean your pineal gland (which apart from being your psychic centre, also regulates your endocrine production apparently). So why are we told not to let the sun shine on our heads or in our eyes?
(Scroll down to The Physiological Importance of the Pineal Gland for info on using the sun to purify your pineal gland)
I’ve been trying something, although I am NOT recommending this for anyone else, this is my experiment and I only take responsibility for myself here – I’ve been glancing at the sun, just quick glances…not done too much but no ill effects so far and I have noticed something. At the moment everyone around me at work is sniffling and sneezing – for the last three weeks there’s been a cold and some kind of chest infection thing going around from person to person. But I haven’t caught it. I’ve also been taking Oxy Silver for the past two weeks which is supposed to take six months to make you immune to any virus so I wouldn’t have thought I’d be resistant in two weeks. So is it the silver or the sun? If so, what is it about the sun that we should know?
We know it isn’t a great ball of fire in the sky now, that it is electromagnetic – but I need to look into this yellow ball in more detail. We’re told that the sun can cause us all kinds of health problems and we should protect ourselves against it, that it might even destroy us with its solar flares.
I have a niggly feeling that there’s a massive health cover up or con trick being pulled somewhere here, I just don’t know what it is yet.
I’d like to write about something really off the wall this month, but I just feel it needs airing..
Some of you know that a few years ago I saw something in the sky that had no explanation and made no sense. For those who don’t, here’s a short background. I was sitting on a neighbour’s drive one late, sunny afternoon with the neighbour and her friend, and right above my house two of us saw a dark grey, mm, torpedo is the nearest word to explain, appear in the sky and then fly into a very low, wispy cloud – where it promptly disappeared. It was clear as a bell, dark gunmetal grey, no rivets, doors or windows and at the time I described the shape like one of those plastic Kinder egg cases, like a very fat stubby cigar. Well, I never forgot that, its always puzzled me and recently I was sitting in the garden with my husband, looking at the clouds. Some of them were very low and wispy and I said that I half expected to see that thing again, as the clouds were similar. My husband asked how big did it look from where I was sitting, I said it looked about as big as a doughnut. He sat looking up for a bit and then said, “do you know what, it must have been fecking HUGE”. Because as you know when logic hits, those low clouds aren’t really low at all, are they? I suppose I’ll never know what it was, just a glitch in reality.
I thought about other times when I’d had a glitch. Not many, but twice when I was out on the top stairs of the new theatre project office having a ciggie break, I looked over the landscape and it shifted – you know like when the TV jumps? Only a split second but you know perfectly well what just happened. And an old, old memory when I was out walking with my dad, I saw a fantastic looking insect, a huge bug as big as a dragonfly but with a beetle body in reds, golds, yellows, blues – I yelled for him to come see, looked back and it was gone. He said I was imagining things. I said the same to him one Saturday night when he said I’d walked past him upstairs in a lovely dress when at the time I was sitting downstairs in my jeans and teeshirt. Poor dad, he spent ages looking for this glamorous imposter whom he was convinced must have been a very upmarket burglar! Now he’s passed over, I bet he knows…
So I’ve been thinking about that, these glitches. My daughter has to look after tropical frogs at work and they live in a tank that looks like a little rain forest, with rocks and shrubs that every now and then have to be removed for cleaning. Behind the rocks and shrubs are pipes and valves, and she was telling me that when they do the maintenance, the frogs get very curious and come to see the strange new surroundings. Then when they put everything back in place, the frogs settle down again and carry on as normal. We wondered if that is their glitch in reality, something curious that they can’t explain, and that led us to talk about our own experiences.
When she was at Uni there was an argument one summer night when everyone was outside – the clouds were drifting in front of – and then just once behind – the moon. Some people realised what they’d seen and were awestruck and agitated. Some others said what was wrong with that? (!) How could something happen like that – totally inexplicable? She recently posted that experience on a forum and two people said they’d seen it happen also. I plan to ask my son and my eldest daughter if they have any glitch stories, so if you’re reading this kids, get thinking back.
Oh, I nearly forgot about the camping pans! My husband and I (she said royally) before we married, decided to go camping one weekend. I still lived at my mum’s then so he came round and we loaded up the car outside her house. We put everything on the grass verge outside and checked everything was there before loading up. Later we agreed that the camping pans were laid out on the verge, we both saw them as did my mother. When we arrived at the campsite – a field in the middle of nowhere – it was late at night, so we put up the tent and left everything else in the car. Next morning we went to get the pans and kettle to make breakfast but they weren’t there; we had that ‘you must have left them, no YOU must have left them’ discussion, but gave up and found a handy burger van instead. On the Sunday night we came back and took the tent and sleeping bags round to my husband’s flat. We opened the living room door, and the camping pans were stacked up one on top of the other in the middle of the living room carpet! Some things you just cannot find words to discuss…..
Does anyone out there have any curious, inexplicable experiences that they’d like to report in – please email me them, I’d really love to hear about them. I’d especially love to hear if anyone else has seen things in their everyday surroundings that are impossible, like the moon/cloud thing for example.
Are we like the frogs, thinking we live in one reality but in fact that is just a well placed arrangement of pretty shrubs and rocks, hiding what is really real, to keep us in some little vivarium? What is going on here?
We are told not to look at the sun and to always wear a hat but I read recently on a natural health website that you need to get the sun on your crown for at least 30mins a day whenever possible (in the UK rarely!), to stimulate and clean your pineal gland (which apart from being your psychic centre, also regulates your endocrine production apparently). So why are we told not to let the sun shine on our heads or in our eyes?
(Scroll down to The Physiological Importance of the Pineal Gland for info on using the sun to purify your pineal gland)
I’ve been trying something, although I am NOT recommending this for anyone else, this is my experiment and I only take responsibility for myself here – I’ve been glancing at the sun, just quick glances…not done too much but no ill effects so far and I have noticed something. At the moment everyone around me at work is sniffling and sneezing – for the last three weeks there’s been a cold and some kind of chest infection thing going around from person to person. But I haven’t caught it. I’ve also been taking Oxy Silver for the past two weeks which is supposed to take six months to make you immune to any virus so I wouldn’t have thought I’d be resistant in two weeks. So is it the silver or the sun? If so, what is it about the sun that we should know?
We know it isn’t a great ball of fire in the sky now, that it is electromagnetic – but I need to look into this yellow ball in more detail. We’re told that the sun can cause us all kinds of health problems and we should protect ourselves against it, that it might even destroy us with its solar flares.
I have a niggly feeling that there’s a massive health cover up or con trick being pulled somewhere here, I just don’t know what it is yet.
Many thanks again to Wraith for her latest guest contribution.