The T-rune embodies the force ruled by the god Tyr. Tyr is the Norse god of law and justice, who governs proceedings at the thing (the Germanic general assembly). The Tyr force is one of passive regulation. In northern mythology it is this god who comes closest to a transcendental quality.
These characteristics are exemplified by the major Tyr myth in which the god sacrifices his hand ("active abilities") between the jaws of the Fenris wolf in order to save his fellow AEsir from destruction. Thus tiwaz is the rune of self-sacrifice and of kings and great leaders of the people.
The word tiwaz, tyr in Old Norse, is the exact cognate to Sanskrit dayus, Greek Zeus and Latin Jupiter. A threefold mystery is contained in tiwaz: (1) justice, (2) war and (3) world column. Certain aspects of all three concepts are intimately related in the runic cosmology. Tiwaz is principally the force of divine order in the multiverse, and especially among mankind. But Tyr is also important as a 'war god'. This is because of the special judicial and spiritual qualities that were imparted to conflict by the ancient Northmen. An Old Norse word sums up this aspect quite well: vapnadomr ("judgement by arms: war"). Combat was seen as a struggle between numinous forces in conjunction with physical ones.
Both of these are considered to be extensions of the same ultimate source. The man, or army, with the most numinous power (which is developed by right and honourable past action) will be favoured by orlog to win the struggle. Tyr rules over the administration of this form of justice so he is invoked for victory and is therefore an important war god. The aspect of the world column expressed by the T-rune is that of the separator of heaven This separation creates a phenomenological quality and is therefore necessary to multiversal manifestation as we know it.
This column maintains world order, and protects humanity and the gods from the destruction that would come should the heavens (energy) and earth (matter) collapse into one another. The T-rune is the mystery of spiritual discipline and faith according to divine law. It is the religious instinct in the individual and society. (Valkyrie

The word tiwaz, tyr in Old Norse, is the exact cognate to Sanskrit dayus, Greek Zeus and Latin Jupiter. A threefold mystery is contained in tiwaz: (1) justice, (2) war and (3) world column. Certain aspects of all three concepts are intimately related in the runic cosmology. Tiwaz is principally the force of divine order in the multiverse, and especially among mankind. But Tyr is also important as a 'war god'. This is because of the special judicial and spiritual qualities that were imparted to conflict by the ancient Northmen. An Old Norse word sums up this aspect quite well: vapnadomr ("judgement by arms: war"). Combat was seen as a struggle between numinous forces in conjunction with physical ones.
Both of these are considered to be extensions of the same ultimate source. The man, or army, with the most numinous power (which is developed by right and honourable past action) will be favoured by orlog to win the struggle. Tyr rules over the administration of this form of justice so he is invoked for victory and is therefore an important war god. The aspect of the world column expressed by the T-rune is that of the separator of heaven This separation creates a phenomenological quality and is therefore necessary to multiversal manifestation as we know it.
This column maintains world order, and protects humanity and the gods from the destruction that would come should the heavens (energy) and earth (matter) collapse into one another. The T-rune is the mystery of spiritual discipline and faith according to divine law. It is the religious instinct in the individual and society. (Valkyrie