Search A Light In The Darkness
A Quick Insight ...
Wed 17th June 2009Using Servants Of The Light TarotFocussing on the recognisable photograph (right) ... using the mantra 'what has become of her, where is Madeleine McCann' ... making the connection once more with the essence within the photograph. It matters not the picture is from the past ... it is still possible to connect and recover information ...
Feeling immediately physical conditions ... a pressure on the left hand side of my head. A pressure to the side of my left eye. Dry sinuses. Conditions which are not my own (I clear my thoughts prior to any consultation and am aware of what my own conditions are). There is a slight pressure too on the right ear. A slight discomfort in the chest ... heartburn or flatulence. Irritability with her. Her mind is fully aware, awake, alive ... this is a living consciousness I connect with ... and not a spirit who has left the earth plane. There is a distinct difference between the two. I regularly work successfully from photographs ... distance consultations for clients ... and the sense here is 100% like working with a living soul. Photographs of person's who have passed do not have this resonance! There is light on her face, in her eyes ... sunlight (is she outside?) or is it a light on in a room ... the former is sensed more as being right. A sense she is slightly out of breath? After running in a garden or outdoors? A hint again of dogs. Outbuildings to her right and left ... but no signposts to read ... no indications of where. A man leaning on a wall having a smoke close by ... watching her. Weasel eyes ... she doesn't like this one much. She looks to the sky ... I see the sun's corona ... but there are clouds. Green leaves and familiar surroundings to her. There is the boredom of routine ... she gazes back at the house. She has been tested in similar ways. Very perceptive and not responsive to suggestive states at all. An issue here taking its time. Getting her to be responsive to what she is being told and taught ... her mind is too strong ... various people seem to have tried. She could 'rumble' a group ... but she cannot be harmed. It is taking time to get her to 'forget' and make her mind foggy. Her memory faculties are excellent. Her intelligence is not in question here. 'She a bit of a madam' and too independent for her own good. She watches and takes it all in. Asks thousands of questions and is a handful. She is very much ALIVE!12 - THE HANGED MAN 8 OF SPHERES7 OF STAVESThere is uncertainty with these images. Except I had the impulse to say the 12 is relevant to a number on a door ... and the endurance of The Hanged Man character says a three fold indication of the endurance of this case ... Maddy, her captors and the secrecy around the image. It is within a structure which it can perpetuate within. But it has to come to an end. The remaining two images provide clues to locality? The 8 of Spheres depicts a basket of white spheres ... eggs? A farm clue ...?? The 7 of Staves refers to obstacles and hurdles ... but th ebasic shape of the 7 staves is that of the Union Jack ... the answer here is a suggestion she is in the UK. But where? Working with an essence that doesn't know ... and the two old dears are nowhere. Elizabeth implies there is a significant forest named in the distance. Distinctly she has been in the same location for a while. Out of sight and beyond suspicion. A money consortium own the property?Four Of Spheres ... For ... Horn ... Sun ... blue box ... an upturned carriage? An upturned carriage which has four wheels with the image of cornucopia and the sun? It doesn't make sense ... but it is something given so it is said. Blue pottery ....(section withheld) Copyright Matthew James