Sumer began at the peak of its powers and then gradually declined, indicating a great input of knowledge at the start that was later lost. The Sumerians had their own explanations for the origin of this knowledge and their records were rediscovered thousands of years later. In the mid-1800s and later, tens of thousands of clay tablets were found in the former land of Sumer on the site of the Assyrian capital city of Nineveh near what is today Mosul in Iraq. An Englishman, Sir Austen Henry Layard, made this first discovery and others have followed. The astonishing accounts the tablets contain originated in Sumer and not with the later Assyrian culture. Therefore, I refer to them as the Sumerian Tablets. It is estimated that they were buried around 2000bc, but they tell a story that goes back long before to the lost civilisations of Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu and even further.
In more recent times many books have been written translating the content of the Tablets and you don't have to delve into the translations for long to see that much of the Biblical Old Testament is an edited rewrite of these Sumerian stories. Besides the floating basket story of King Sargon, the Tablets describe the Great Flood and a place called E.DIN ("The Abode of the Righteous On~'). The Bible speaks of Eden, the garden of 'God'. The story of Genesis is a summary of the same basic story told in the Sumerian Tablet in far more detail. Interestingly, many of the terms translated into the English version of the Old Testament as 'God' come from words that actually mean 'gods', plural, and the Sumerians said the founders of their civilisation were a race of beings that came to this planet from elsewhere bringing great knowledge and technology. They called these beings the Anunna. Their later Semitic name was AN.UNNAK.KI ("Those who from Heaven to Earth Came") and DIN.GIR ("The Righteous Ones of the Blazing Rockets"). Anunna means "Sons of An" (later Anu), the 'king' of the Anunna/ Anunnaki. The name for Sumer in the tablets is KI.EN.GIR, which has been translated as "The Land of the Lord of the Blazing Rockets" and also "The Land of the Watchers". The term 'Watchers' is often used to describe ancient 'gods'. The Egyptian name for their gods, the Neteru, translates literally as 'Watchers'. The Egyptians said that these Watchers came in their 'heavenly boats' and in ancient cultures across the world you have this constantly recurring theme of 'gods: arriving in some kind of flying machine to found civilisations and bring knowledge and techniques that were light years ahead of what existed before.
In the Indian culture they called the flying craft Vimanas and there were several designs. Some were cigarshaped while others were described as double-decked with a dome and porthole windows. Both types are regularly described in UFO sightings today. The ancient Indian texts describe anti-gravity technology of the type used in 'flying saucers'. So much so that when the Chinese discovered Sanskrit documents in Tibet and sent them to the University of Chandrigarh for translation, they were found to contain the knowledge to build interstellar spaceships, according to the University's Dr Ruth Reyna.12 Yet the documents are thousands of years old! Dr Reyna revealed that these ships were known as "Astras" and it was claimed they could fly to any planet. Some texts talk about them flying to the Moon. Details of building, flying, and operating the craft are all included. The Chinese, apparently, even used part of the contents in their space
The Sumerian Tablets describe planets of the solar system in both number and environment in ways that were only confirmed in the twentieth century. They describe how the Anunnaki, later called' gods', created a culture of great advancement and technology that was destroyed by Earth catastrophes and flood. The story of the Biblical Great Flood is told at length in the Tablets thousands of years before the Bible appeared. The Sumerian flood hero, Utnapishtim, was replaced by the name, Noah, when the much later texts of Genesis were compiled from the Sumerian records. The most astonishing information in the Sumerian clay tablets are the detailed descriptions of how the Anunnaki interbred with humans to create a hybrid race, a fusion of the genes of humans and the 'gods'. Yet again this is a constantly repeated theme in every part of the worldand can be seen in the Old Testament narrative, taken from the Sumerian, of the Sons of God (proper translated, the sons of the gods) who interbred with humanity and created a hybrid bloodline. Genesis recounts:
"When men began to increase in number on the Earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God [the gods] saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose ... The Nefilim were on the Earth in those days - and also afterwards - when the sons of God [the gods] went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown."
The term Nefilim can be translated as "Those Who Descended" or "Those Who Fell From The Heavens". The American researcher, David Sielaff, emphasises that the Nefilim or Nephilim are not the sons of the gods (beni ha-Elohim), but the offspring of the interbreeding between the "daughters of men" and the nonhumans the Bible calls the Elohim. The Illuminati bloodlines that rule the world today are the Nefilim, a race of human/non-human hybrids. They were also known in ancient times as the Rephaim, Emim, Zazummim and Anakim, and they were all very tall or 'giant' people in those days. IS The Biblical Goliath was a Rephaim and giant in Hebrew is repha.J6 This theme of giants is a constant on Cave paintings found in places like Japan, South America and the Sahara Desert, depict giant people with round heads towering over human hunters. Bones of giant people between 8 and 12 feet tall have been found in mounds in Minnesota and other locations. The Delaware Indians speak of a race of giants who once lived east of the Mississippi in enormous cities and the same descriptions of giants in ancient legends and lore can be found everywhere.”