Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.
Search A Light In The Darkness
Friday, 31 July 2009
From The Emerald Tablets ...
"We are they who were formed from the space-dust, partaking of life from the infinite ALL; living in the world as children of men, like and yet unlike the children of men."
Then for a dwelling place, far 'neath the earth crust, blasted great spaces they by their power, spaces apart from the children of men. Surrounded them by forces and power, shielded from harm they the Halls of the Dead.
Side by side then, placed they other spaces, filled them with Life and with Light from above. Builded they then the Halls of Amenti, that they might dwell eternally there,living with life to eternity's end .... read more ...
More Martian Anomalies
A Word On "Ace of Swords Tarot Card Meaning"

This card cries out "this is your time, the focus is on you!" But what kind of focus?
The suite of swords in a Tarot deck deals with thoughts, and awareness. They've also been identified as symbols of challenges or conflict in our lives. Aces in the Tarot deck indicate new beginnings. They are also power cards, and rank high in the trumping factor in a reading, their power weighing in evenly with Major Arcana cards.
This being the case, we can make a simple assessment that the ace of swords Tarot card meaning is symbolic of uncovering a new way of thinking. Or, cutting away at some old thought to make way for a brighter perspective.
More specifically, the ace of swords is a call to stop fooling ourselves and look into the crux of the matters of our soul. The ace of swords is bright and brassy. There is no room for excuses with this card, and it demands full honesty of the querent in a reading.
This card resonates to the vibrational frequency of the number one, not only because it is the beginning of the suite (ace), but also because the erect sword visually mimics the number one. This means that new projects, ideas, thoughts, or relationships are on the horizon. Due to the sharp nature of this card, you had better be mindful and clear about your intentions first before starting these new ventures. (Tarot Teachings.com)
Washington Post: Swine Flu Vaccine Will Contain Mercury
Claims by the CDC and the Institute of Medicine, following a whitewash study that ignored previously verified evidence, that thimerosal, a mercury based preservative, has no causal relationship to skyrocketing cases of autism have been soundly rejected by top doctors and scientists ever since.
Will Krakatoa rock the world again?

With an explosive force 13,000 times the power of the atomic bomb that annihilated Hiroshima, the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa killed more than 36,000 people and radically altered global weather and temperatures for years afterwards. The eruption was so violent and catastrophic that no active volcano in modern times has come close to rivalling it, not even the spectacular eruption of Mount St Helens in the U.S. in 1980. Now, almost a century-and-a-half on, are we about to experience the horrors of Krakatoa once again?
'Volcanic prediction is getting better,' says Professor Jon Davidson, chair of Earth Science at Durham University and a volcanologist who has studied Krakatoa first-hand. 'But we are never going to be able to fully predict big and unusual eruptions, precisely because they are unusual.'
Yet there is little doubt that if Krakatoa were to erupt again with such force and fury, the impact would be far more devastating than that which was experienced in the 19th century. (Daily Mail)
Understanding All Sides

Today's Quote
Thursday, 30 July 2009
A Kabbalah Insight

Another manner of subdividing the Sephiroth is to group them into triangles. Da'ath and Malkuth are basically "left out" of these groupings. One grouping is Kether, Chokmah and Binah, sometimes called the "supernal" triangle. A second is Chesed, Geburah and Tiphareth, with labels too numerous to mention. The final triangle consists of Netzach, Hod and Yesod.
Still yet another way of viewing the tree is the "path of the serpent" and the "path of the sword," which visually appears like many magickal symbols, as well as resembling a caduceus somewhat. In this construction, the "path of the serpent" follows the numbers given in order, with the "head" of the serpent in Kether and the "tail" of the serpent in Malkuth. This manner of addressing the three noticeably "touches" all the Sephiroth. To visualize the sword, overlay it on the Middle Pillar, with the hilt in Kether and the point in Malkuth ... read more ...
A Word on 'Spiritual Practice'
The giant anvil-shaped cloud hovering 75,000ft above Earth is photographed by Space Station astronauts

Anvil clouds are formed mostly from ice and normally form in the upper parts of thunderstorms. They get their shape from the fact that rising warm air in thunderstorms expands and spreads out as the air bumps up against the bottom of the stratosphere.
Streaks of snow are often seen falling out of the edges of anvils. This light snow usually evaporates as it falls through the relatively dry air surrounding the upper part of the thunderstorm.
Images released today showed Tom Marshburn and Christopher Cassidy doing final maintenance work on the exterior of the complex ahead of their departure today. The four-hour and 54-minute procedure involved rewiring, camera setup, tidying cables and installing handrails and a portable foot restraint to aid future spacewalkers. The five spacewalks together spanned a total of 30 hours. (Daily Mail)
A Spiritual Conspiracy
As old structures crumble around us, we are conspiring to breath new life and a new way of living into our world. We know that no matter how crazy things may look on the surface, the universe is conspiring to shower us with blessings. Enjoy the rich flow of conscious conspiracy as you breathe in the soul-touching words below.'
Read here...
How Do We Know That What We See Is Real?

Therefore, isn't it true that if we accept this scientific account then we cannot be certain that anything exists out there because we can never directly perceive it. Strangely, if this scientific theory is true we cannot prove it, because we can never perceive anything directly, so we do not know how and from where the experience came into our minds. Even our knowledge of eyes, nerves, bits of brain, is not direct but via electrical and chemical events in our brain!
In the olden days, we thought that there were objects, material things, such as bricks, trees, mountains and goats, which were themselves real and constant in a way independent of our looking and otherwise perceiving them. These were things that had primary qualities which did not change and other qualities, sometimes called secondary qualities, which were our reaction to the primary object, and which did change depending on. These secondary qualities were colour, shape, etc. No thinker suggested that the actual object had these qualities. They were qualities we gave to objects.
For example, a rose might look red to us, but if no one was looking at it, we couldn't really say it was red. We might have said it had the power to elicit the colour red in our minds, but this primary quality of being able to elicit the red sensation was not 'red.' The colour was our reaction to the object. So we assume there was something out there, say next door's cat, which was a real object. However our experience of it, blackness, meowing, shape, etc, were largely our reaction to the real object and not the real object itself.
Have you ever been in a shop to buy something, say curtains, where the colour is very important? Have you heard these stories of people getting home only to find the colour looked different? The curtains were the same curtains in the shop. Their primary qualities hadn't changed, but our experience of them, the secondary qualities, changed when we viewed them under different lighting conditions. Because the length and weight, for example, remain the same, we may be tempted to think these are the primary qualities, and colour is just subjective.
Science rushed off to discover these primary qualities and developed concepts like mass which were supposed to describe the real object. However, pretty soon, we realised that the so called primary qualities were just as much secondary as colour and the rest! Although we can specify conditions and measuring instruments which largely give us consistent results, it is a human being who is perceiving the measuring instruments and their reaction on him or her. We cannot know the real object apart from our perception of it. A question like, 'What does something look like when no one is looking at it?' is clearly nonsense, and unanswerable. (trans4mind.com)
Finding Your Pinnacle
In their looming presence, humanity has seen power, steadfastness, and resolve. Yet you needn’t live near a mountain to tap into this vast energy of commanding grandeur. Conversely, since mountains are as unique in form as human beings, your locale may exist under the unwavering gaze of a small mountain without your knowing it. As you practice mountain meditation, the power that lurks in the heart of all mountains will flow into you while their essential beauty reminds you that you, too, are a creature of the earth.
If there are mountains in your area, plan to spend some time enjoying the peaceful embrace of Mother Nature, which can be a potent meditation aid. Likewise, grasping a rock or stone in your hand will enable you to easily tap into earth energy. If you are prevented by circumstance from visiting a mountain, however, begin by visualizing yourself at the base of a towering summit. Holding a rock can be helpful to tune into mountain energy. You may find yourself picturing a steep and majestic snowcapped peak or a lush, tree-covered mass that rises gently from the earth. Sit or imagine yourself sitting at the mountain’s base and spend a few minutes simply coexisting with it. When you feel tranquil, express your intention to commune with your mountain and ask to receive its energy.
Project your consciousness onto the mountain’s peak, and look down upon the flatlands over which it stands guard. Send light to the flora and fauna that call the mountain home. You may discover that you feel wonderfully immense and unshakable as you delve deeper into the meditation. Finally, ask the mountain to serve as a guide and give it your sincerest gratitude. If you have literally visited a plateau or summit, pass time with the mountain by camping, hiking, or picnicking upon it. Or, if your journey has been a spiritual one, use your imagination to survey the sights, sounds, and scents of your mountain. As your explorations progress, you will become ever more grounded, growing gradually into your personal power. When you are finished meditating with mountain energy, give thanks to this strong and powerful energy for sharing time with you.
Quotes For Today
It may be infinitely worse to refuse to forgive than to murder, because the latter may be an impulse of a moment of heat; whereas the former is a cold and deliberate choice of the heart."......George MacDonald
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
The Brain -- Where Reality Emerges??

The chair you are sitting on, the computer you are looking at, and the ground you have your feet on are all made up of mostly nothing. If you are knowledgeable about basic science you know that these things are composed of atoms, but when you get down to the core all objects and pretty much anything we consider to be real is made up of mostly empty space. They just seem solid because of how our brain perceives these things and “translates” them into time-space reality.
Although this censoring/editing process that happens in the brain is what allows us to reside in this level of being so effortlessly, it is also what limits us to this plane of existence. It is this factor that keeps us on one side of the veil ... read more ...
Hubble pictures Jupiter's 'scar'

Some of the world's biggest telescopes have since taken detailed pictures. Engineers at the US space agency, Nasa, interrupted the post-servicing commissioning of the refurbished Hubble to use the WFC-3.
"Because we believe this magnitude of impact is rare, we are very fortunate to see it with Hubble," said Amy Simon-Miller of Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "Details seen in the Hubble view show a lumpiness to the debris plume caused by turbulence in Jupiter's atmosphere." (BBC News)
Some Buddhist Inspiration ...
Visualise ....
The Shift to the New Reality
The Shift is a collective transformation consisting of the sum of each individual’s step forward into the New Reality. Each person, in their own time, is moving forward into a new stage of consciousness, one which brings a wider vista and an awareness that springs from the heart.
In the early 1960s, just one in fifty adults had reached this new awareness. Today, according to extensive surveys, more than one in four adults in the United States and Europe have moved into the heart space which forms the nucleus of The Shift.
The New Reality is not something vague. It is as real as the notes on a piano keyboard. It has a specific frequency, as this book will reveal. Each stage of human consciousness resonates to a specific note within the musical octave. This new stage of consciousness resonates to the note F sharp. When a person’s consciousness reaches a frequency that resonates with F sharp, then - and not before then - they discover unconditional love and the ability to envision a future filled with hope and peace.
The New Reality is about discovering your true potential, about living your highest joy and serving others in the way that best fulfils your highest purpose. It’s about cooperation instead of competition. It’s about becoming a whole person in mind, body and spirit.
The Shift to the New Reality brings to each individual a sense of greater freedom, greater joy and personal fulfillment.
The Shift to the New Reality is all about heart-powered consciousness ... read more ...
Metaphysics Introduction

This wide range of subjects that can fall under metaphysics all have a common denominator, which is that they deal with the exploration and understanding of Reality ... read more ...
Quote For The Day
Everything simply changes form.
Remember this in the face of Life's ever-changing circumstances.
Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans

Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.
“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said.
On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by manoeuvring, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.
Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs. (Russia Today)
It is Official: WHO Recommends Mandatory Injections to Almost Two Hundred Countries
According to WHO documents, vaccines "such as those that are formulated with oil-in-water adjuvants and live attenuated influenza vaccines are important." Health workers, pregnant women, healthy young adults of 15 to 49 years, and healthy children will be the targeted groups of the world wide vaccine effort.'
A Word on "Ayurveda"

Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Buddhist Inspiration ..
The Art of Happiness at Work
'Between Light And The Night'
When man again shall conquer the ocean and fly in the air on wings like the birds; when he has learned to harness the lightning, then shall the time of warfare begin. Great shall the battle be twixt the forces, great the warfare of darkness and Light.
Nation shall rise against nation using the dark forces to shatter the Earth. Weapons of force shall wipe out the Earth-man until half of the races of men shall be gone. Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning and give their edict to the children of men, saying:O men, cease from thy striving against thy brother. Only thus can ye come to the Light. Cease from thy unbelief, O my brother, and follow the path and know ye are right. (Extract from 'The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth)
The Spiritual Meaning of 'Willow'

The words “willow (wicker)” and “Wicca” are thought to be derived from the same root meaning “to bend”, or “to be pliant.” The willow, as crone, is the third wood of the witch’s besom, being the flexible bark, which binds the maiden birch rods to the mother ash handle. (The flexibility of the willow means it can be either crone or maiden). The Willow wand can be used to banish long-held grief, It is also a favourite wand of poets and those seeking inspiration and vivid inspirational dreams. Used in all moon or water magic. It has a powerful feminine 'yin' energy. Willow can help a person get in touch with their subconscious feelings and desires.
Quote for the Day
a hunger for That which is essential.
Trust this impulse.
It is Reality guiding you toward Itself.
A Word on 'Goji Berries'

They are also a rich source of both selenium and germanium and have hence been used in a number of clinical trials involving cancer patients. When given to patients undergoing chemotherapy, the berries conferred significant protection for the liver. In Oriental medicine, they are said to correct chi deficiency, meaning that people with low energy, insomnia, heart palpitations, and even anxiety are more comfortable after consuming goji berries. The berries have 18 amino acids (higher than bee pollen) and 21 trace minerals, linoleic acid, and more beta carotene than carrots.
In vitro studies suggest that goji berries kill many kinds of cancer cells. The mechanism whereby this happens is believed to involve some factor that inhibits the ability of the cell to divide, thus lowering its reproductive capacity. A large study in Japan suggested that tumour growth was inhibited by 58% among the patients eating goji berries as compared to the control groups. A study in Mongolia showed that patients eating the goji berries had a significant increase in lymphocyte activity and that their blood began to resemble that of much younger persons.
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Revealed: How NO-ONE gets the top broadband speeds claimed by internet service providers
Media regulators have shown that the fastest connections to the web on offer from companies such as BT and AOL are 'theoretical'. Ofcom said none achieved their boasts and 'hardly any' got close. The disclosure prompted calls for an inquiry into the way internet packages are sold.
Broadband services are generally marketed on the basis of top connection speeds. More than half of users are on packages offering speeds of up to 8 megabits per second. Ofcom checks showed that about 45 per cent of users in this category - or more than 4million homes - had an average speed of only 3.9 megabits per second. Some 20 per cent of those with these packages could not even get above 2 megabits, the standard laid down in Labour plans to give everyone broadband.
The highest a customer on one of these packages can hope for is about 7.2 megabits - and then only if they live very close to a telephone exchange.
Faster access to the net allows web pages to load quicker and dramatically shortens the time it takes to download files. To download a high- quality film at 8 megabits would take 1 hour and 11 minutes and a music track would take 5 seconds. At 2 megabits, the same film would take 4 hours and 48 minutes and the song 21 seconds.
As part of its investigations Ofcom revealed that AOL, Tiscali and BT were among the worst performers among the top nine companies. Virgin Media, which offers more powerful services through its cable network, was the best. Ofcom said speeds were affected by the firms' technology and the capacity of their networks.
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Sinister Sites – National Memorial and Arboretum, U.K.

Image Of The Day
Cleansing Your Power Centre

Monday, 27 July 2009
The Birds in Alchemy

The Elementals of Densest Matter
There is to be found in the very bowels of the earth, an evolution of a peculiar nature, with a close resemblance to the human. They have bodies of a peculiarly gross kind, which might be regarded as distinctly physical as we understand the term. They dwell in settlements, or groups, under a form of government suited to their needs in the central caves several miles below the crust of the earth. Their work is closely connected with the mineral kingdom, and the "agnichaitans" of the central fires are under their control. Their bodies are constituted so as to stand much pressure, and they are not dependent upon as free a circulation of air as man is, nor do they resent the great heat to be found in the earth's interior. Little can here be communicated anent these existences, for they are connected with the lesser vital portions of the physical body of the planetary Logos, finding their microcosmic correspondence in the feet and legs of a man. They are one of the factors which make possible the revolutionary progressive activity of a planet.
Allied with them are several other groups of low class entities, whose place in the scheme of things can only be described as having relation to the grosser planetary functions. Little is gained by enlarging upon these lives and their work; it is not possible for man in any way to contact them, nor would it be desirable. When they have pursued their evolutionary cycle, they will take their place in a later cycle in the ranks of certain deva bodies that are related to the animal kingdom.
It is commonly supposed that all the fairies, gnomes, elves, and like nature spirits are to be found solely in etheric matter, but this is not so. They are to be found in bodies of gaseous and liquid substance likewise, but the mistake has arisen for the reason that the basis of all that which can be objectively seen is the etheric structure, and these little busy lives frequently protect their dense physical activities through the agency of glamor, and cast a veil over their objective manifestation. When etheric vision is present then they can be seen, for the glamor, as we understand it, is only a veil over that which is tangible. (Treatise On Cosmic Fire)
Drawing Energy
Choose an energy source you enjoy to draw energy from. Feel energy from that source flowing into you. You can picture it as a garden hose pouring energy into you, or as a waterfall all around you. You might picture it as light surrounding and filling you, or a fire warming you. The energy surrounds and fills you, raising your energy to a much stronger level.
As you feel the energy flow through you, relax and focus on staying balanced. Don’t hold the energy in; let it flow through. Bottling it up will stop the flow. Raise the energy strength as far as you can comfortably go. Then, hold the energy flow at that speed and strength for a few minutes. Practice holding it stable.
If you begin to feel lightheaded, imagine a connection into the ground to let go of the excess energy. Lightheadedness usually means that you have too much energy and need to let some of it go back into the earth, like grounding an electrical system. As you draw energy, take only what feels appropriate. Don't force it; just gently draw the energy. Forcing it will only make it more difficult to get the right amount of energy.
When you are done, you will want to finish comfortably. Direct the energy flow back into the ground. Let the intensity gradually reduce. Send the energy securely into the ground, and bring yourself back to a normal state of mind. Close it down until it feels fully settled. Then let go of the final bit, and relax.(Psipog.net)
Pine Gap

Located twelve miles from Alice Springs in Australia’s Northern Territory, Pine Gap is a highly secret communications base run by the National Security Agency. Ostensibly a "Joint Defence Space Research Facility" sponsored by both American and Australian defence departments, Pine Gap serves principally as a downlink for geosynchronous SIGINT (signals Intelligence) satellites. It was established by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1966 and is run jointly by the CIA and the NSA. According to one American observer: "The Australians have accorded the [Pine Gap] facility remarkable hospitality. People and cargo routinely fly in and out, entering and exiting without the burden of customs or immigration checks. The place enjoys almost extra-territorial status."
It is clear that the Americans control this massive facility on foreign soil. This would not be surprising, given the historic arrangement undertaken by the signatories of the UKUSA agreement. Australia appears to be a junior partner of a signals intelligence-gathering operation that is dominated by America and Britain. The odd thing about Pine Gap is its placement. Where the British spy-base, GCHQ, is located on the outskirts of the English town of Cheltenham (and is currently subject to a high profile £600 million redevelopment), Pine Gap’s remoteness is almost akin to Area 51 in Nevada. It’s little wonder, then, that rumours abound about UFO research and development at this facility. It’s low profile might very well be due to the sensitivity of American operations being carried out on Australian soil. It is well known, for instance, that GCHQ and Menwith Hill in England have a strong American presence, but this is acceptable here in Britain because of the ‘special relationship’ between our two countries, especially with respect to sharing Intelligence information.
Would the Australian public at large be quite so sympathetic to an overt American presence in the Northern Territories? It seems unlikely, especially considering the historical legacy of Britain’s atomic bomb tests in the Fifties. Even so, there may be some truth to the rumours of UFOs and space weaponry at Pine Gap, the evidence for which continues to grow. (ufo-aliens.co.uk)
UK UFO sightings 'double in a single year'
The reports include a mystery craft spotted hovering opposite Parliament was reported on February 12th, 2008. According to the document: 'There was a craft that had green, red and white lights. It was still and static in the sky. It was seen for about half an hour.'The rise in the number of sightings - the biggest since 1998 - was described as 'phenomenal' by experts.
The MoD only investigate reports of unidentified flying objects that it considers may pose a risk to national security, and most of the incidents seem just to have been logged and ignored. On June 28, near Cobham in Somerset, a document notes that someone reported seeing 'something interesting' in the sky. A few days earlier, it states: 'Twenty-five amber lights were seen leaving the Heathrow area. They were seen travelling West at 45 degrees, 200-300 knots'.
Another interesting sighting was reported in February 2008 where a UFO the size of a 747 was reported above Leeds, West Yorkshire. That craft was described as a 'jumbo jet sized object which was flat and round with a blue ripple underside. It made no sound and then disappeared.'
The dossier was published just one week after it emerged the RAF has tried to shoot down UFOs under instructions from the MoD. Former MoD UFO investigator, Nick Pope, claims that pilots have aimed at UFOs several times, but have failed to bring them down. Mr Pope, who worked on the MoD's UFO section for three years, said the 'shoot down' directive had been in place since the 1980s. Pope says 'We know of cases where the order has been given to shoot down - with little effect to the UFO... Firing at UFOs was 'not automatic but happens when something in our airspace is deemed to be a threat.' 'In the case of UFOs, whether the object is causing a threat is very much a (pilot’s) judgment call.'
And in January 09 it was claimed that a UFO ripped a 60ft blade off a wind farm turbine in Lincolnshire. Hundreds of witnesses reported hearing an earsplitting bang at 4am. One saw orangey-yellow spheres skimming across the sky, while another reported a 'massive ball of light' with 'tentacles going right down to the ground'.
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A Word on 'Daedalus

When at last the work was done, the artist, waving his wings, found himself buoyed upward and hung suspended, poising himself on the beaten air. He next equipped his son in the same manner and taught him how to fly, as a bird tempts her young ones from the lofty nest into the air. When all was prepared for flight he said, "Icarus, my son, I charge you to keep at a moderate height, for if you fly too low the damp will clog your wings, and if too high the heat will melt them. Keep near me and you will be safe."
Continue the Story
Letting Your Light Shine

For some, we are taught to hide our light from the world since childhood. Relatives caution us that the professions associated with our aptitudes are unattainable. Our peers may be envious of our skills and thus overly critical of the activities we instinctively enjoy. And authority figures admonish us to be humble and avoid showing off. But there is a vast chasm that separates those who let their light shine and those who seek only to draw attention to themselves. When you dare to share your light with the world, the beauty and perfection of your soul become clearly visible.
You become a whole being—the literal embodiment of your vast potential. Whether you are a wonderful dancer, a first-rate cook, quick with numbers, or a natural negotiator, you’ll come to understand that you do the world no favors when you hold yourself back. If you have hidden your light for so long that it has shrunk to an ember, make a list of everything you do well, however impractical, silly, or seemingly inconsequential. Then ask yourself how you can positively utilize those abilities in your daily life. The gifts you were born with were not granted to you arbitrarily. While you may never discover what impact your light has had on others, you can be certain that when you embrace your talents and share them with others, you will spread illumination in the world.
Scaremongery?: Daily Express | UK News : "Thousands face death in swine flu jabs delay"

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And so the scaremongering by the media world continues with joe public being exposed to such headlines in their papers as this one. Note there are no similar healdines relating to the 'normal' influenza which claims tens of thousands of lives each year. Why isn't normal influenza ever been a pandemic? How many of the alleged Swine Flu victims are victims of normal influenza? The recent headline of 100,000 cases of Swine Flu in the UK appears to be a falsehood, because at the same time the WHO web-site had a figure of around 940,000 for the entire world! It boils down to the media being focused on getting Joe Public to panic ... so they will dash for the vaccine. It is therefore the vaccine that is the worry!
Inspiration for Today
Daring to risk is an essential step to self empowerment. This is the key to breaking out of stuck thinking and behaviour. It is about breaking through the comfort zones and barriers. It is about experiencing new levels of mind and feelings. It is about experiencing more life.
"A life spent in making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." -- George Bernard Shaw
"Only those who risk going too far can know how far they can go." -- Unknown source
Sunday, 26 July 2009
A Word on 'The Natal Chart'
Make Me, Break Me, Re-make Me

We see this on every level of human experience. A new environment tends to make us anxious or puts us into a heightened state of alertness until we can define our relationship to it. An unusual object confuses our senses until we become familiar with it. Social interactions in a group change when a new member is admitted. And so on.
Initiatory magick is nothing more (and nothing less) than a constant, willed repetition of this process. The magician invokes some source of magickal energy, or some being(s) existing on a higher level of organization than himself. The response brings new contacts and energy into the complex system that is himself, producing a "mind-expanding" experience, stretching and breaking the habitual relationships between parts. Incorporation of these new contacts and energies into the system produces a new dynamic balance and a broader scope of perception. Certain levels of organization are relatively stable, and relatively common in group-experience; these we call "grades" of initiation.
In Achad's Tree of Life, the path of Mars connects Binah with Geburah. And the movement from the latter to the former provides the archetype of the process represented by this Part. Like any other energy, the entrance of Binah energy into the self produces a disruption and stretching of relationships. Since Binah is a transcendental power, it cannot be fully absorbed or integrated into a finite being. The integration must take place within the transcendent realm.
During the initial inflows of transcendent energy, and for some time afterwards, the finite self isn't capable of actually perceiving them. All it can perceive are the effects; a raising of awareness coupled with the "stretching" of itself to a point of near-dissolution. This is the experience of the False Sephira, Da'ath. (Source: The 91 Parts To The Earth)
A Word on the 'Ace of Wands '

The beauty of this card stands out loud and clear. It is a beacon amongst the Tarot pantheon, ever holding its light bright for all to see the way to clarity.
As such, the ace of wands Tarot card meaning often deals with creative insight. Many times this card shows up after the querent has gone through a period of murky waters or a time of stagnation in which he/she seemed to be "stuck." Hence the symbolism of the flame thrust out of the thick, obscuring clouds.
In this case, the ace of wands Tarot card is a bright jolt in the Tarot spread. A promise of motion, direction, and positive energy building to a delightful result.
This card is calls loudest to artists, visionaries, entrepreneurs, and those seeking to set out on a new creative path. To them, it is the "green light" card - a sign of positive encouragement, a signal to go for gusto! in their endeavours. (tarot teachings.com)
'We Are The Weavers Of Our Destiny'

Worldly facts, events, memories, feelings and beings—or rather the ideas and symbols that we give to them—somehow change in value when seen from the perspective of a weaver. We are the weavers of our own lives, in which each experience can become an important thread used by our consciousness to connect with one another. Hence, when at a certain point in our lives, we decide to become the weaver, these entangled threads of our experiences and knowledge blend into a beautiful and useful tapestry.
Cloth, thread, loom, spindle, and whatever else is used in spinning and weaving, all represent symbols of our future and destiny. They are used to denote all that rules predetermine and join together our different and ever-changing realities, consciously harmonizing them in ourselves. They are also used to create and make something of our own substance and essence, as the spider does in spinning a web.
Many fairy tales feature goddesses holding spindles or weaving instrument whilst presiding over the birth of a prince or princess. In other instances, they represent time and the chain of cause and effect, or karmic laws. However, when man becomes the weaver of his own destiny, he naturally unfolds the qualities of the creative artist, and becomes the sacred fool whose intuition is guided by the thread of his soul.
The Lost Land of Lyonesse

Today, legend has it that the Isles of Scilly are all that remain of Lyonesse, with the islands having been recorded, during the reign of Maximus in the 4th Century, as one single island. Lyonesse is said to have contained one hundred and forty villages and churches, and local tradition has it that fishermen still find parts of old buildings in their trawling nets. Some even say they’ve heard the church bells ring when the sea has been stormy. There is a report that an ex-mayor of Wilton, while standing on the cliffs at Land's End, had twice seen domes, towers, spires, and fortifications beneath the sea. And, as recently as the 1930s, a News Chronicle journalist claimed to have been woken by the sound of muffled bells ringing one night. His hosts maintained that he had heard the bells of Lyonesse.
The Seven Stone Rocks are held to be the remains of a city that Fishermen call The Town, while in Mount’s Bay the remains of a sunken forest can be seen at low tide. Lending weight to this belief is the fact that St. Michael’s Mount, situated in Mount’s Bay itself, is the oldCornish name meaning " the hoar rock in the wood." Added to this is the locally held idea that the Isles of Scilly are the old hilltops of Lyonesse. And it is a fact that the remains of many ancient stone buildings, including megalithic structures, can be seen below the high-tide mark.
Today, there are roughly fifty islands within the Isles of Scilly group, although only four are inhabited, and have been inhabited since prehistoric times. They have also been identified as the famous Tin Islands that were known to the Greeks. Geologically they are made from granite that is very similar to the granite of Cornwall.
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Power Animals: 'The Camel'
Remain positive and all will work out. Camel people can accomplish the impossible. Perhaps one of the most obvious lessons of camel is learning how to create reservoirs of energy within your body and life so that you are able to hold on and keep going when times get tough. Camel teaches us how to stay strong, and not burn ourselves out. Unlike animals like the hummingbird or shrew, which need vast quantities of food just to maintain their ferocious metabolisms; camel teaches us that we can afford to slow down!
We create reservoirs of energy in varying ways. It is possible to store energy in the body through learning meditation and working with healing energy like Reiki. However it can also refer to storing energy as body weight and storing mental energy by not over-taxing yourself. In each of these ways we create an internal fuel source, and instead of burning it out, it can be maintained and contributed to.
There may be sparseness and aridity in your life at a time when camel wanders into it. One of the reasons camel teaches us to maintain reservoirs of energy is precisely so that when things are difficult, we survive and continue on. When life doesn't present us with material wealth, it is up to us to pull from the resources within instead.
There is a saying that goes 'make it through each day at a time,' when things are tough. When things are really tough, it's just important to make it through the next minute, and the minute after that. Sometimes life throws us an obstacle that hits us hard, physically, emotionally or spiritually (or all three). When this happens, it's time to grit our teeth and just get through it as best as we can. Camel teaches this strength. The 'one day at a time' mantra is a good one to remember when you need to make it through the tough times in life.
Camel acts as a connection to desert energy and magic. Deserts often have pools of energy, or oases of energy located across them. Finding these places in the desert can take time and skill, but camel has a natural dowsing instinct for finding such energy places in the ground. They may be literal oases or waterholes, or they may be indistinguishable from the environment around us. Camel also teaches us how to contact desert spirits and wisdom, and can also provide a method of spiritually journeying across desert landscapes.