Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 26 July 2009

A Word on the 'Ace of Wands '

The ace of wands also reminds us of the creative control we have in our lives. Specifically when we look at the card, we note the hand holding the out a rod symbolizing our passion. This is indicative of our ability to take hold of our desires and allow that passion to fuel us up to reach our goals.

When in a reversed or in a position of conflict, this card may be a message that you are letting your wants or desires control you and it's time to get a better handle on your emotions.

The beauty of this card stands out loud and clear. It is a beacon amongst the Tarot pantheon, ever holding its light bright for all to see the way to clarity.

As such, the ace of wands Tarot card meaning often deals with creative insight. Many times this card shows up after the querent has gone through a period of murky waters or a time of stagnation in which he/she seemed to be "stuck." Hence the symbolism of the flame thrust out of the thick, obscuring clouds.

In this case, the ace of wands Tarot card is a bright jolt in the Tarot spread. A promise of motion, direction, and positive energy building to a delightful result.

This card is calls loudest to artists, visionaries, entrepreneurs, and those seeking to set out on a new creative path. To them, it is the "green light" card - a sign of positive encouragement, a signal to go for gusto! in their endeavours. (tarot