There are also linear features that look like scratch marks on the surface which would have been created by rocks thrown up from a nearby impact. Although the surface appears dramatic and daunting in these early engineering test images, they are deceptive as LROC Principal Investigator Mark Robinson explained.
'Our first images were taken along the Moon's terminator - the dividing line between day and night - making us initially unsure of how they would turn out,' he said. 'Because of the deep shadowing, subtle topography is exaggerated, suggesting a craggy and inhospitable surface. In reality, the area is similar to the region where the Apollo 16 astronauts safely explored in 1972.'
He added: 'While these are magnificent in their own right, the main message is that LROC is nearly ready to begin its mission.'
The two cameras on the orbiter will soon begin a year-long mapping mission of Earth's nearest celestial neighbour. It is Nasa's first Moon mission since the Apollo landings nearly 40 years ago. Each image will be transmitted the 1/4million miles back to Earth and gradually build up a picture of the surface. (Daily Mail)