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Saturday, 11 July 2009

The Midheaven

For an individual, the midheaven is literally the point over their head at the time of birth. It is the high point of an axis going from space to the centre of the earth directly through their body.
The powers of the larger cosmos enter into them along this axis. Their perception of their goals in life, their image of what they can become in their perfection, and the way in which they can unite themselves with the divine powers of the universe are all indelibly coloured by the sign on their midheaven. Similarly, the culture's perception of its long-term goals, its potential evolution, and its relationship to the universe at large is coloured by the vernal equinox sign for its era.

The perceptions are identical except for the scale on which they appear. Therefore the vernal equinox sign is properly set in correspondence to the midheaven, and the positions of the other three signs are adjusted accordingly.

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