The longest solar eclipse of this century brought near darkness to swathes of Asia from India to China today as millions gathered to watch the sun disappear.
In some parts of Asia the moon covered the sun completely for as long as six minutes, 39 seconds.
Casting two billion people into total or partial darkness in the world's two most populous countries, this will have been the most witnessed eclipse in history, Nasa scientists said.
Thick cloud cover over India obscured the sun when the eclipse began at dawn. However, the clouds parted in many areas a few minutes before the total eclipse took place at 6.24am local time (1.54am in Britain). In neighbouring Bangladesh, eclipse watchers came out in droves.
It is the longest since July 11, 1991, when a total eclipse lasting six minutes, 53 seconds was visible from Hawaii to South America. There will not be a longer eclipse than today's until 2132.(Daily Mail)
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