Last night the Department of Health insisted that the vaccine would be safe and warned that any suggestion otherwise would create unnecessary panic. And today a senior adviser to the Government moved to calm concerns over the swine flu vaccine and said that the benefits far outweighed any potential risks.
Professor Sir Gordon Duff, co-chairman of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies said: 'We are content that benefits far outweigh the risks." He said the companies preparing the vaccine had been working on "core" vaccines which had been tested on 6,000 people.
'In a pandemic, you can't predict what the virus is going to be, so to make a vaccine you use a similar virus. These core vaccines have been tested on 5,000-6,000 people already, with no serious adverse effects. It is inconceivable that in the UK we would consider a vaccine without giving a full scientific appraisal of its benefits and theoretical risks. That is just what these risks are - theoretical.'
Sir Gordon added: "It has to be understood that it's a thing we have thought about a lot. We've looked at it from every scientific angle, and we have advised that getting this vaccine will be a lot safer for the population than letting the flu run away with itself. (Daily Mail)