A swooping Hawk, silently hunting. Seeing a break in the white billowing clouds. A hint of the terrain below through its beady eyes. It falls from the sky, its flight undetected by the watching eye's from the valley floor. Eyes which do not expect such an intruder into the protected valley. Beady eyes observe now, and pass forth those images into the mind.
Something of significance there. Something stirring now. Within and beyond the barrier that seeker now soars. Undetected ... in its far reaching viewing. A determine

d mind deciphers imagery that it receives. It sees vehicles. Cars parked in a place of apparent insignificance. A meeting however of names of great significance in the hidden world, away from the prying eyes of the public world. An exchange. Briefcases for envelopes it seems. Hands were shook. The cars left the meeting place ... and a lone black car with darkened mirrors then arrived from a different direction. Three persons from the rear of the vehicle step out. One smaller than the other two. It appears a child. They walk slowly toward the buildings. Along a winding lane with stone walls and trees on either side. It is one on of the higher branches where the seeker sits and watches. The child ... walks behind the other two. Nervous but aware of the significance. Met at the door by what is deemed a doctor. Inside. Piercing eyes see little. But it is not important. Because the child is being assessed. Conditions reviewed. Terms and conditions have been met. The three then leave and wander to another building. Another vehicle is waiting. Into which the child is led. The vehicle drives off slowly once the child is inside. The exchange is complete.