Since May 2007, there have been many ‘clairvoyant insights’ appertaining to a particular mystery … which have appeared as Daily Merlin Insights, Mystic Insights etc … and it is felt is necessary to say a quick word regarding these insights. It is in truth a re-iteration of something which has been stated previously, but this acts as a timely reminder.
The insights have been presented in a cryptic format on A Light In The Darkness for reasons of safety. It is a DELIBERATE intention to conceal what has been written in plain English elsewhere in confusing ‘cryptical language’ … the blogs are public places after all. Information contained in the insights could jeopardize what is a real situation. Discretion and sensibility prevails in this.
As for the accuracy of the information contained in the insights; without revealing too much … it is safe to say that certain aspects of the insights have PROVEN accuracy. Feedback from sources close to the investigation has confirmed that a certain (undisclosed) percentage of the insight information has been ‘uncannily accurate’ … certain quarters have been reassured by certain lines within the insights. Contacts with these quarters has confirmed past insights have been taken seriously! Those this sentence refer to know who they are, and we continue to remain loyal to these sources, keeping their identities anonymous.
We have, after all, over 20 years experience in dealing with client’s confidentiality. This situation has been treated in the same context … though it has a somewhat more serious nature than the norm, as the perpetrators of the crime have been gleaned to have regularly visited A Light In The Darkness … and have thus regular access to the insights. It would be a serious folly to name names and actual situations, the insights refer to, on such a public place.
So remember, what might seem nonsensical and meaningless rantings from a seemingly ‘deluded’ clairvoyant … may in truth contain something completely different to what is appears to say! The cryptical nature of the insights are a safety mechanism … ‘MJ’ has a clear picture of the scenarios described, and errs on caution prior to publishing the insights. What is deemed as ‘ok for public eyes’ is added … and that which is not … doesn’t appear. More often than not, the insights are a rewrite of what clairvoyant means uncovers! The unabridged insights are deemed as being too revealing … and therefore cannot and will not be published on A Light In The Darkness.

As for the accuracy of the information contained in the insights; without revealing too much … it is safe to say that certain aspects of the insights have PROVEN accuracy. Feedback from sources close to the investigation has confirmed that a certain (undisclosed) percentage of the insight information has been ‘uncannily accurate’ … certain quarters have been reassured by certain lines within the insights. Contacts with these quarters has confirmed past insights have been taken seriously! Those this sentence refer to know who they are, and we continue to remain loyal to these sources, keeping their identities anonymous.
We have, after all, over 20 years experience in dealing with client’s confidentiality. This situation has been treated in the same context … though it has a somewhat more serious nature than the norm, as the perpetrators of the crime have been gleaned to have regularly visited A Light In The Darkness … and have thus regular access to the insights. It would be a serious folly to name names and actual situations, the insights refer to, on such a public place.
So remember, what might seem nonsensical and meaningless rantings from a seemingly ‘deluded’ clairvoyant … may in truth contain something completely different to what is appears to say! The cryptical nature of the insights are a safety mechanism … ‘MJ’ has a clear picture of the scenarios described, and errs on caution prior to publishing the insights. What is deemed as ‘ok for public eyes’ is added … and that which is not … doesn’t appear. More often than not, the insights are a rewrite of what clairvoyant means uncovers! The unabridged insights are deemed as being too revealing … and therefore cannot and will not be published on A Light In The Darkness.