Magickal Journal
9th September 2009
Dream Sequence early AM 6th September 2009
Following an 'odd' OBE where I wondered across the bedroom towards the ensuite aware of a presence to my right. Clearly not a dream. A definite OBE where I had the realisation my physical body required the toilet, but in OBE state I had also the realisation I would be unable to visit the bathroom!
I made my way back to bed and immediately into a dream/OBE sequence where I was the owner of a new restaurant in a shopping precinct. There was a vacant suite in front of my new restaurant which was then also occupied by another restaurant. My living quarters were to the left of the service counter with the seating area in front. The discussion with the other owner was to share the same seating area. What followed was some kind of heated discussion where I was 'attacked' by someone jumping onto the service counter and flattening it. An unknown companion's reaction was to fire a hand held nuclear device at the other premises. The device detonated with a mushroom shaped electric blue 'cloud' that was about 15 feet in the air.
The next sequence then placed me underground in some kind of bunker. There was a series of buttons and alarms on the walls. I was informed that 'the worst' that could happen with the radioactivity was an increased heartbeat? I wondered then where I was ... what world was this. It was no dream I was clearly thinking as the alarm flashed to indicate incoming radioactivity.
Next sequence was a return to an OBE in the bedroom. There was a presence with me training me to cope with an ultrafast heartbeat. I could feel energy coursing through me at a tremendous pace as my 'psychic third vehicle' was once more active.
Since the dream sequence I have had pretty extreme flu-like symptoms. A racing heartbeat and periods of intense energy coursing through me together with visions of energy fields and auras. Intense --- MJ