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Monday, 14 December 2009

A Word On 'Goose Symbolism'

Geese were common sights in the lush green lands of Ireland, and their migration was duly noted by the ever-observant Celts. Consequently, among Celtic animals, the Goose deals with our own migratory or transitory nature. The sign of the goose urges us to consider our changes of mood and heart. The Celts understood that oneness in thought leads to oneness in deed, so invoking the goose aids in our ability to understand why we have such changes of thought, and what we can do to ground our thoughts so that our actions aren't "willy-nilly."

Furthermore, the goose is also a strong symbol of hearth and home. Always returning to the same spot each spring, the goose was recognized for it's incredibly navigational devised, and identified for it's keen sense of return to home. Celts being fierce patriots, the sign of the goose was a strong symbol of the importance of home. Likely, the goose was a common symbol in the home, displayed to encourage the safe return home of Celtic warriors.