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Tuesday 19 January 2010

The U.S. must not 'occupy' Haiti, declares French minister as aid FINALLY trickles through

The UN must step in to ensure the U.S. is not occupying Haiti in the wake of a devastating earthquake that may have killed 200,000 people, a French minister has said. French Cooperation Minister Alain Joyandet spoke as the country descended into anarchy. Aid is only just trickling through the 'bottleneck' at Haiti's airport, while angry Haitians desperate for help are striking out at international agencies - and each other. Some 10,000 U.S. troops are on the way to try to restore order - but their role is being questioned. 'This is about helping Haiti, not about occupying Haiti,' Joyandet, in Brussels for an EU meeting on Haiti, said on French radio. Joyandet has already complained about America's role in Haiti. Last week U.S. forces turned back a French aid plane carrying a field hospital from the damaged, congested airport in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, prompting criticism from the French minister. The plane landed safely the following day. Meanwhile desperate, starving and increasingly angry victims were still struggling to find food and water despite the international aid flowing in to the country. Six days after the quake only a trickle of aid was reaching those beyond the devastated capital Port-au-Prince. (Daily Mail)