Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.
Search A Light In The Darkness
Monday, 31 May 2010
The Lady of the Lake

Vivien may very well have been the Lady of the Lake in the Arthurian Legends and stories. Vivien, sometimes called Nineve, Nimue, Niniane, etc., is best known as the woman who sealed Merlin in a cave or a tree. Despite foreseeing his fate, Merlin was unable to prevent being captivated and captured by the woman Richard Wilbur has called "a creature to bewitch a sorcerer." Vivien is an ambiguous character. In Malory, for example, even though Nyneve, who is one of the Ladies of the Lake, deprives Arthur of Merlin's service, she rescues him twice, first by saving him from Accolon who has been given Excalibur by Morgan le Fay to use against Arthur, and then by preventing him from donning the destructive cloak sent to him by Morgan. She also uses her enchantments to punish Ettarde for her mistreatment of Pelleas. In the end she and Pelleas "lovede togedyrs duryng their lyfe." (King Arthurs Knights)
Rider Of The Soul
A shell of awareness observing every thought, every deed, every notion
In control of each emotion; aware and dangerous
Like a deadly virus swimming in the electrical sea of sub-consciousness
An anvil on which punishment or reward can be created,
can be moulded or modified ...
The bringer of pain or pleasure
An imitator of conscience ... a generator of desire
A craftsman with keys which has access to every recess of consciousness
A puppeteer with dark intention, riding thoughts with ease ...
Controlling the child, influencing freewill if it were a trusted friend
A silent voice there in the back of the mind, familiar now,
Operant conditioner ensuring it is accepted like a faultless advisor
An awareness fuelled by the darkest intent reaping chaos on a whim
Cracking biochemical whips to punish when it doesn’t get its way.
A mountain the adult cannot climb, the tumour-like thoughts too deep to remove
The rider too established to remove; conscious awareness a witness to the ghoul
unable to neutralise its hold; the rider bringing misery into life
Connecting demons and dark desires to this consciousness,
preventing the use of freewill; attracting the attention of angelic presence
which detects the fugue which grips the human from time to time.
The darkness grips the human in a fatal hold,
forcing the wrong decisions to be made ......
And the adult is powerless, for it was the child who welcomed the rider
and befriended it in times of complete innocence.
And life has been one misadventure after misadventure
Desperation and disaster have materialised at every corner
Rendering progress to be slow ...
Matthew James Saturday, 8 March 2003
Meat Claimed as Invention by Monsanto
Further on the multinationals expand their claims over the whole chain of food production from feed to animals and food products such as meat. In a pending patent application from Monsanto even bacon and steaks are claimed: Patent application WO2009097403 is claiming meat stemming from pigs being fed with the patented genetically engineered plants of Monsanto...Read more:
Quotes For The Day
"Whatever we have done, we can always make amends for it without ever looking back in guilt or sorrow." -- Eknath Easwaran
A Sketch Of A Physical Description Of The Universe

Thus, the pre-Hellenic Pelasgian inhabitants of Arcadia called themselves Proselenes, because they boasted that they came into the country before the Moon accompanied the Earth. Pre-Hellenic and pre-lunarian were synonymous. The appearance of a star was represented as a celestial event, as the Deucalionic flood was a terrestrial event. Apuleius (Apologia, vol. ii, p. 494, ed. Oudendorp; Cosmos, vol. ii, p. 557, note) extends the flood as far as the Gatulean mountains of Northern Africa. Apollonius Rhodius, who according to Alexandrian custom was fond of imitating old models, speaks of the early colonization of the Egyptians in the valley of the Nile:
A Word on 'Psychomanteum'
Holding Space For Others

At NYC sci fest, asking 'What if we're holograms?'
Greene and other "string theorists" are exploring a possible scenario in which people and the world around us are actually a 3-D holographic projection of two-dimensional data that exists outside the accessible universe.
It's a concept so mindbending for those who don't understand the complex math behind it that many might decide it's best left to the academics. But Greene wants to build public excitement about science, even as the U.S. loses ground in some areas — and intends to bring even the most complex ideas to the masses at this week's World Science Festival, which starts June 2.
"The idea is to ... find the compelling narrative and stories that allow these programs to really feel like an experience and not a lesson," says Greene, wearing a leather jacket that practically exudes old-school, rock-star cool. It's an appropriate look for a man who has brought the possible inner workings of the universe to scores of non-geniuses through his book "The Elegant Universe" and the PBS specials by the same name.
The physicist founded the festival in 2008 with his wife, Tracy Day. In a way, they say, it's an extension of his work translating into layman's terms the fundamentals of string theory — the idea that the universe and its most fundamental forces could be best explained if everything around us were made up of minuscule, vibrating strings...READ MORE...
Orcadian Stones

The Orkney Islands sit on the northern tip of the British mainland. It is rumoured that one inhabitant once wrote “Bergen, Norway” as his nearest train station, rather than Edinburgh – let alone London as the nearest capital. The islands seem remote and yet they are the centre of a megalithic community whose traces remain clearly distinguishable in the landscape...Read more:
Obama Administration Blocked Efforts to Stop BP Oil Drilling Before Explosion
In 2009, the Obama administration intervened to support the reversal of a court order that would have halted offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Obama’s Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who has long had close ties to the industry, specifically cited BP’s Deepwater Horizon operation as one that should be allowed to go forward, according to a group involved in the court case. A Washington DC Appeals Court ruled in April 2009 that the Bush administration’s five-year plan for offshore oil and gas drilling (covering 2007 to 2012) was not based on a proper review of the environmental impact of the drilling. Only days before the ruling, the Obama administration had granted BP a “categorical exclusion,” exempting it from an environmental impact study for the Deepwater Horizon project"...Read more:
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Reaching Out Thro’ The Portals
Cloudless majesty backlit by the eternal sky nation ...
Powerful visions, words spoken in whispers have forgotten ... filled with power
Recalled later in the Inipi ... visions of another spirit ... beckoning to cross a doorway
The threshold to another dimension, like a portal ...
Later ... cross-legged, deep in concentration ... crossing the great river in the sunlight
Water deep, too deep to cross ... fearlessly floating, treading the crystal clear water
All memories of the star life alive in every molecule ....
Coming back ... the pain the memory which breaks the concentration
Smudging away the demons ... recalling the attacks in the night, a continual nightmare
Understanding the words whispered by the ancestors ... the seekers ... they come.
Beneath ... another blood red sky ... he stands hands akimbo, watching the heavens
Aware but silent ... to hide away from the winged horrors ...
the unspeakable that crosses the night ... seeking the wielders of the ancient light
He senses, he is aware ... and holds on to a gossamer strand with his mind
Invisible to the mortals trapped in their materialistic world ... tied to the machine timing
They do not see that which is natural but has been hidden behind the cine town illusions ...
Hidden behind the back clothe which the gaolers create to fool the mortals
He sees the tickertape trails which lead from one dimension to another through the portals
Those magical places the gaolers keep under lock and key; for use only by themselves ...
He is aware of one in the landscape before him ... and of one in the landscape he left
With ultimate magic he connects to many places that exist beyond the portals
He reaches out to the one nearest to his new home ...
He sees the red man sitting on the mesa peak which is his sacred space
and realises the potent connection then like no other time
Nothing is by chance in any of the many lives; the reason so easy to read in the signs all around
The seekers walk ... moving in on the bearers of the sacred keys
Summoning the ghouls to come ... to silence the threat to the gaoler’s plans
The darkest diamond shards only neutralised by the combining of all the quicksilver segments
in each of their every lives ... their separation a deliberate act to dilute their lights
By some wondrous act of magic, the timeless mages reach out through the hidden portals
connecting with the other fragments of themselves ... to defeat the ghouls once and for all ...
Matthew James 21 December 2003
The 13 Preambles of Wicca - 5: Achieve Balance
New Face of Abductor

Former Detective Inspector Dave Edgar travelled to Portugal last week to show the e-fit style image to a new witness.
Some Buddhist Inspiration ...
From The Ridiculous To The Sublime: Near-death experiences 'explained': Scientists believe it's the last gasp of a dying brain

Researchers who studied brainwaves of dying patients, found there was a surge of electrical activity in their brains just moments before their lives ended.
The doctors from George Washington University medical centre in Washington believe this surge may be the cause of near-death experiences, where patients see themselves walking towards a bright light or floating outside their bodies. The mystery of why people 'brought back from the dead' report powerful spiritual experiences may have a biological explanation, according to experts.
Researchers who studied brainwaves of dying patients, found there was a surge of electrical activity in their brains just moments before their lives ended.
The doctors from George Washington University medical centre in Washington believe this surge may be the cause of near-death experiences, where patients see themselves walking towards a bright light or floating outside their bodies. (Daily Mail)
A Word on 'Oenghus'

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order
Bill Gates Funds Covert Vaccine Nanotechnology
Now, the foundation has funded a new "sweat-triggered vaccine delivery" program based on nanoparticles penetrating human skin. The technology is describes as a way to "...develop nanoparticles that penetrate the skin through hair follicles and burst upon contact with human sweat to release vaccines"...Read more:
Why Isn't BP Under Criminal Investigation?
That's the question several former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials have been asking in the aftermath of the catastrophic explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig last month that killed 11 employees and ruptured a newly drilled well 5,000 feet below the surface and has spewed tens of millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf if Mexico, which now stands as the largest spill in US history.
Inspiration For The Day
Blurred Out: 51 Things You Aren't Allowed to See on Google Maps

The 13 Preambles of Wicca - 4: Apply Knowledge
Saturday, 29 May 2010
BP Oil Gusher Threatens 'Total Destruction'
Russian scientists believe BP is pumping millions of gallons of Corexit 9500, a chemical dispersal agent, under the Gulf of Mexico waters to hide the full extent of the leak, now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day. Experts say Corexit 9500 is a solvent four times more toxic than oil...Read more:
Quotes For The Day
“For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe.” -- Larry Eisenberg
'The Ritual Of The Word'
Before the rising of the horned moon
Enter the visionary ... ancient scribe
Earth walker through numerous mortal lives
Sensing the itching of a web,
the concrete on his face.
Turning to face the mirror
Scrying as ancient artist
Defining the circle and summoning one to answer ...
His mortal body the conduit
A form of earth to raise the fire and share communion with the ancestors
As his druid discipline demands
Later beneath the horned moon
Upon a silvery landscape
Surrounded by the silent stones
Star gazing ... experiencing the consciousness expansion
Aware of the energy spirals of white and black
The dragon lines of the land that eternally ebb and flow
Hands raised
He defies the children of the shadow
He is master to them
He summons the WORD and demands the glamours to abate
He has transcended fear and understands the laws of the universal law
He is connected to all things by the eternal web and has the right to create and destroy at will within his own reality
A reality which merges and absorbs all others
In his the hold of the shadow is over
He can move on ...
Later he watches as his summoning resonates around the sacred stones
His energy of power awakening the shackled earth force
He smiles as he hears its audible resonance ... a familiar sound
A visible light form spins round and round ... moving faster and faster and faster
Changing the vibration within the summoned perimeter
Including he the master ... the mage ... the visionary ... the merlin ... the human
And the world on the outside fades as the sacred space acts as an elevator
A merkabah in which he can visit strange and wondrous vibrations
An immortal right granted to the mortal form who is immortal within
The ritual perfect and pure
The machinery of light springing to life as a well oiled cog in a wheel
A waiting muscle now being flexed ... again ...
And the visionary ...
He leaves the world of his current time line
And crosses the threshold ... the horizon of space
Seeing beyond the illusion
Viewing the wider picture
Watching thus the game of life on earth and its interactions of which he plays his part
As the angel he looks down on man and observes the lifting of the veils
the time of light of which mankind is now unaware
A memory he will retain when the merkabah returns him
He understands the mechanism of the earth and the passage taken by the unified one of mankind
All is as it is meant to be
The harmonising of the two poles
The waiting of those who have moved on for those who plunge to rescue the shadow
The fallen ones they rescue ... who refuse to let mankind move on to their new forms
who are envious of mankind’s right to exist on higher vibrations ....
He understands and lets the vision fade
It is time then to permit the spiralling light to cease
To return the visionary back to his chosen time
But not before he glimpses his appearance on the other vibrations
His many other forms ...
He sees the multitude and understands
Existence is truly multi-dimensional
Made of pure light ... pure thought
Thoughts seek a consciousness
Thoughts remain eternal
Attracting like to like
Light bipolar ... interactions creating form
to explore each and every interaction
The high vibration slowing
His consciousness returning
Demanding the word to remain
The spell to break the glamours
May the word remain with him throughout his life on this time zone
And the word was ......
The power of the light over dark
Be the name and understand
For the word is god and god is the word
Be you and be god
God is within you and all things
Let this realisation break the shackles which create the shadows that bind the soul.
---Matthew James---
Anomaly Gallery
The 13 Preambles of Wicca - 3: Learn
Introduction to the Secret Language

A Distant Perspective

Friday, 28 May 2010
The 13 Preambles of Wicca :2 Know your Craft
Book Review: The Lost Lands
by Lucy Cavendish

The Ace of Swords

Aces are always about the beginning of something - usually related to the Suit they are from. From that you can see that the Ace of Swords is about the ability to see things from a clear perspective. When this card rules, we are able to cut away the rubbish and confusion which tends to cloud out major issues. We can see what is important and worth fighting for. And we can also identify the red herrings that keep us from seeing clearly.
We become more able to make good decisions, more ready to see other points of view, more clear about what we really think about things. When this happens we often choose totally new directions for ourselves, reaching a point where we can transform and empower our experiences.
So when this card comes up in a reading, or to rule a day, then it means that we need to step back, and think rationally about everything which crosses our path. We need to cut away rubbish and clutter, so we can see the inner truth we seek.
There is a decisive and powerful energy which flows from this card, and engaging with it will allow us to understand ourselves, and others more thoroughly than before.
In a spiritual sense the appearance of the Ace of Swords will often mark a turning point or breakthrough into new clarity and wisdom. (Angel Paths)
The 13 Preambles of Wicca - 1: Know yourself
Inspiration For The Day
The Saga Of The Spheres Of Blue
There existed magical races on a young planet; races which narrated histories have long forgotten
Races legends suggest and myths romanticise; golden eras that so few of men even gain a hint of
A powerful time when thoughts created and destroyed on a whim all manner of visitations ...
It was a time of formlessness and freedom; when the gods turned a blind eye
When man was but a figment in the mind of one of the many perversions
A universe in its infancy; an age when no being had fully discovered ‘experience’
or had the slight to gain understanding or wisdom ...
There was no good; there was no evil
For those thoughts had not yet manifested
Somewhere within this age an etheric race was born,
Shapeshifters with the innate ability to move between translucent appearance
to others more ‘solid’ more substantial
for they had explored the realms much further than most
and had gleaned the structures of what was to come
for they had discovered the terms oracle and mystic
and had devised these thoughts to gain insights into others
First, these new thoughts were put to good use
Sympathetic magic and wondrous healing
Balancing the perversions which were numerous in these cess pit worlds
But then this good was challenged with its natural opposite
and the first wars between black and white were born ...
Here in these hellish mires one current ‘mortal’ was born
An ageless spectre who only now discovers his origin; his ungodly birthplace
for within these ‘physical’ universes the eyes of the creator gods never gazed
for these were the by products of all the high order experimentation ...
But, with the prime law of the universe stating that energy cannot be destroyed
that all energy has the right to consciousness,
these raw products evolved and gained an awareness ...
From this soup he was born
and he was not alone
For there were many,
and somewhere within the struggles he and the many became separated
the many never forgot, but through this separation he lost that objective ...
Matthew James Wednesday, 30 April 2003
'Doing To Others ... What's Been Done To Us"

He would not have realised it, but that is one key way the Reptilian geneticists changed the human species, switched off access to most of our brain capacity, the overwhelming majority of our DNA potential (hence the so-called ‘junk’ DNA that appears to have no function), and tuned the body-computer into the Moon Matrix, the Reptilian hive mind.
Begetting Change

Attention: This Website Does NOT Do Your Computer Any Harm ....
Thursday, 27 May 2010
MSM Writer Slams Swine Flu Hype
Barbara Yaffe, head of communicable disease control for the Toronto Board of Health, proclaimed herself reasonably satisfied with the public’s response. But how can she be? Given the $1-billion+ spent by Ottawa on the swine flu hysteria (which probably climbs to $2 billion or more when provincial and municipal campaigns are added in), a 28% vaccination rate is awful if your aim is to have as many people immunized as possible. The 35% rate most winters is achieved at a fraction of the expense and public calamity. So hear, hear to those who resisted the madness that was the Great 2009-10 Swine Flu Pandemic...Read more:
We observe you, we witness your pursuit of understanding,
your struggles to overcome the shackles of the demons released from the continuum
They who despise you, for it was you who banished them
and then it was you who unwittingly set them free ...
We see your light, they see your light
We come to aid a fellow luminaire, to assist in the programming
To aid in the upgrade of the coding within the master design,
You are within and we are without ...
Once it was written, so now it must be done
For an ancient name reported the intention
and into the realms of the continuum it was despatched
in order for that desire, that insight to become physical reality
It has to be so ... we send forth that certainty now ...
Sense please our struggle to convert to your lesser understanding
We speak in the universal language of light
Your chronicle be a slower, more difficult communicade ....
It is limited, we waste time making this conversion
Why canst ye not adopt the languages of the ancients?
The languages ye once had mastery of; hast ye already forgotten?
We project directly into thy mind ...
So ye canst report that which ye see, that which ye know
Use thus thy own understanding to embellish this lowly report ....
For that is the answer why; I now gain the understanding
They observe me; they merge with me
and I didn’t hear them, and they failed to hear me
For they expected me to communicate in the language of the ancients ....
They hang over me in a Merkabah ... I am contained within that structure,
It appears invisible on this plane
I heard and I sensed and now I know
The Book Of Knowledge confirms ...
With their light vehicle they probe space to find and communicate with ones like I,
I am a Meoroth, and I exist within a dark region of space ...
This local universe is hidden in the shadow of the central sun ...
In truth I sense I have never left that structure
All of my human ‘lives’ are spent in that safety
They converse with me, through me
I converse with they, I remain a part of they
and the demons have forced me to forget this connection
and have deceived me into thinking I am so alone ...
I am not, and I never have ...
and the voices of the others are constant; I hear them in the distant corners of my mind
and when I permit their impressions to come forward
their voices adopt the sound of my own thoughts
they merge perfectly, telepathically, direct communication ...
I am not alone ...
Matthew James Friday, 11 April 2003
A Word on 'The Human Aura'
The human aura briefly consists of various layers of energy, which are vibrating at different rates, the closest level to the physical body the Etheric Level being the densest vibration.
The first level closest to the body being the Etheric Body, the slowest vibrating of the seven layers. This layer is considered as the blue print of the physical body, and it is on this level that that you experience feeling when you have lost a limb, but can still feel it, this is called a phantom limb, as on the etheric level you body is still whole. This level is also connected our senses and sensations, touch, tasting, smell, listening, seeing feeling etc.
If the energy is week or damaged on this level, they may experience a weakness or even early symptoms of dis-ease, you may not function well physically, eg. Hate any form of physical activity, you may love to eat, but hate to be touched. If this level of the Aura is strong and well charged, then you will have a full life in all areas.
The second level of the aura is associated with our feelings or emotions about the self and is known as the lower emotional body. The energy movement there correlates to the feeling you are having about yourself. If you allow your feelings to flow whether positive or negative, the aura will keep itself balanced, the negative energy being released and transformed.
If you stop yourself experiencing these emotions, block them, swallow them back down, in other words keeping the British stiff upper lip, then you stop that flow of energy on the second level connected to the emotions.
The second layer of the human aura is the lower emotional body.
The third level of the aura is associated with our mental or rational world and is known as the lower mental body. When this level is balanced the rational and intuitive mind work together in harmony as one, we then experience clarity, balance and a sense of appropriateness. We feel self accepting, safe and have a sense of personal power.
If this level is strong and charged you will have a strong clear mind that serves you well. You will have an active and healthy mental life and be interested in learning.
If this level is weak and undercharged, you will lack mental agility or clarity. You will probably not be interested in academics or other intellectual pursuits. When our thoughts are negative in this level, the energy will travel slower and become darker and distorted. These are negative thought forms that correspond to our habitual negative thought processes. They are difficult to change, because they appear to be logical to the person experiencing them.
These negative thought forms can also be affected by stagnated emotions from the second and fourth levels of the aura, which are adjacent it the third level. In other words we try not to feel negative emotions about our self (second level) and or about another person (forth level). We stop the energy flow on the second and fourth levels. This then caused the third level energy to become distorted also....READ MORE...
Buddhist Inspiration ..
Oil Rig Explosion April 20 Is An Occult Date
Space junk threatens 'chain reaction' that could destroy communications on Earth

Inspiration For The Day
“Instead of frittering away your vibrancy with worry or distraction, realize your mind and body are inextricably united. What calms and tones up one, soothes and improves the other.” -- Marsha Sinetar
"When you are saying that you are happy and you are not, there will be a disturbance in your breathing. Your breathing cannot be natural. It is impossible." -- Osho
"Your body is the ground and metaphor of your life, the expression of your existence. It is your Bible, your encyclopedia, your life story. Everything that happens to you is stored and reflected in your body. In the marriage of flesh and spirit divorce is impossible." -- Gabrielle Roth
"If you don't take care of your body, where will you live?" -- Unknown source
What’s At The Heart Of Divination