Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 18 May 2010

"Choosing Solitude Over The Hive Mind

A cold wind crosses the sky ...
Early morning sun rising from behind the rugged peaks
A shaman sits in solitude ... eyes closed ... on the shore
Recollections of an altered state percolate ... cognitive reasons for how and why
Already ... truth is fading ... and walking slowly he enters the myth
He accepts the legend around him as the current reality
But knows it is truly the most lucid of dreams ...
He sighs;
Other dimensions interact with his own
But convention decrees nothing can be seen
A portal looms to his right ... his finite senses detect its presence
But his mortal eyes see only sky and sand ...
Towards the worm hole he wanders ... he puts out his hand ... feeling the pull
Other frequencies reach out and share the space around him
He knows other life forms wander close ... though invisible
He smiles ... he recalls his wandering ... the sees again the cave
If he can believe once more ... shifting and sliding he will be free
Safe to wander ... invisible to this dimension ... apparently sleeping on the shore
But in an adjusted form he will surely reside ...
Wandering through the worm hole ...
Into another realm ... as is his right ... birth right stolen by the closing mind
But he has fought ... he has kept the memory alive
Genetic function displacing the dysfunction demanded by the carousel
From early age he rebelled ... from an early age he saw the visitors come
He battled with those phantoms of the mind ... preventing the closing down
Aware of the threat from other dimensions ... demons who walk into the human mind
Their dimensional frequency matching a human mind ...
Placing dark thoughts ... directly ... fooling the mortals ...
For mortals were never aware those thoughts were never their own
But he ... was aware ... and he rekindled his dying seeds ...
Becoming the shaman ... living a life on his own
Turning his back on love and on family ...
For they were all the same ... closed to him ... trapped in their mental prisons
He left it all behind ... and watched from the safety of the shore ... human kind perish
Bit by bit their fight ... their resolve faded ... becoming the robots ...
Becoming a race of a hive mind ... hosts for demonic possessors
But not he ... he escaped ... and found the means to keep his mind shielded ....
Aware he would have to live a life of solitude until the day this mortal body died ...

Matthew James circa 2005