When we pull this card in a reading it is important to focus on the accomplishments we have made. This card indicates we've reached an achievement of sorts (symbolic of all eight cups proudly erect in their fullness) - it's simply time to embark on another journey into fulfillment.
Furthermore, as we move into new adventures, we turn our psychic focus on the elegance of each step we take into ever higher atmospheres of awareness. When we take our spiritual eyes off the path (focusing on the future, or overly goal-oriented) we inevitably waiver. This concept is emphasized by the rocks and mountains we see in the card. Challenges are certainly a potential in our pilgrimage, but with properly aligned focus, our path can be a fluid, organic pleasure.
Furthermore, as we move into new adventures, we turn our psychic focus on the elegance of each step we take into ever higher atmospheres of awareness. When we take our spiritual eyes off the path (focusing on the future, or overly goal-oriented) we inevitably waiver. This concept is emphasized by the rocks and mountains we see in the card. Challenges are certainly a potential in our pilgrimage, but with properly aligned focus, our path can be a fluid, organic pleasure.
Lastly, the concept of surrender is relevant in the eight of cups Tarot card meaning. Chances are if you are a Tarot practitioner, you're usually evolving in your progress. However, the lure of comfortable places can be enticing.
This card reminds us to always be aware of our inner and outer landscapes - to not be too comfortable with our lot - when the signs come - accept the challenge to progress. As Einstein says: "Nothing happens until something moves." That would be us moving up the rungs of enlightenment ... READ MORE ...