Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 3 May 2010

Thief Of Tme

It quickly became night; and while the rest of the world slept; he crept away silently
Dressed in his darkest gowns to evade detection he made his way through the eerie streets
His home town guarded by armed guard for there was the threat of war in the air,
Carefully he disappeared into the shadows of a gateway as the sound of footfalls came close
He held his breath as a shadow moved closer and closer
Fearing detection he fingered the blade he had hidden in his cloak,
he was poised ready to leap into action, adrenaline surging
Then the footfalls had passed and he was alone again
Quickly then he headed for the cover of trees which marked the boundary to the town
He knew the journey there by heart; over the common; turn right past the pond
past the old gnarled yew tree and the entrance to the ancient cemetery
Once there the gravel track began; leading downwards into the darkness of the wood
He would be safe there for he knew nobody ventured there,
not since the night of the visitation; the time when all of the town witnessed an apparition
The townsfolk were wary now; but not he; for he knew what had occurred that night
It had been foretold to him many years prior to their arrival
And besides he had the company of the visitors too; nobody knew of them
and if they had known he would have been executed for conferring with demons
For the towns folk were a god fearing bunch and he was seen as strange
he knew his cards were marked; rumours of a witchfynder general were rife
He knew one night he would be taken from his bed and would be murdered
The voices were insistent; he must leave; he must head to their meeting place
He was to escape; he was to leave behind those backward folk
He was ready.
The recollection made him increase his stride
He was almost running when he ventured into the wood and it was there that the bouncing blue lights were waiting!
He stopped dead in his tracks and gawped! They had returned and they were waiting for him
He felt apprehension as the blue lights grew in size and began to vibrate
they were moving towards him as if they had spotted him
He turned to run and then realised they were no threat
There was a sudden blinding flash of light; he fell to his knees and noticed that night had become day
Above him there was a loud buzzing sound and a sudden rush of air
He was transfixed there and in awe as a beam of light surrounded him
They had come for him the voices were saying; voices that were in his head
then there was nothing! Darkness. Silence. Incredible warmth ...............
He awoke when he became aware of something was shaking him
He opened his eyes and found himself in a place of intense blinding light
There was a presence coming out of this light; it was touching him
He was scared. He knew he was naked and a voice was compelling him not to be alarmed
then the presence was pressing some device into his neck; then his arm; then his back;
Each time the device pierced his skin he recoiled with the pain
then the presence was grabbing his genitals; pushing a tube inside which was agonising
He screamed and willed the presence to leave him alone!!!!
He fainted and then later when he opened his eyes he found himself back in the graveyard in the dead of the night
He was alone and fully dressed; all memory of how he had gotten there and why he was out in the night were gone
all he was aware of was a burning sensation from his groin and an itching sensation from his neck and his back
as if he had been stung by something
He was scared and as he made his way back to his dwelling he tried to account for how he was out in the fields
He came to the conclusion he had been sleep walking
The notion didn’t feel right and he was totally confused as he climbed into his untouched bed!!!
He was exhausted for some unknown reason and feel into a dreamless sleep very quickly

They stood in a unreachable clearing within a dense patch of woodland
a human town nestled in the valley close by
Their craft stood behind them hidden by a technology beyond human comprehension
their latest experiment had heralded a pleasing result
They had successfully made contact with one of their sleeping operatives in the field
A ‘changeling’ who had been switched at birth with a human child
Unbeknown to either the child or its parents it was of non-human origin
a result of a hybrid cloning project which involved several star systems in this sector of the universe
There was a great need to perfect the physical form; so little good growing material existed
so many of the life forms had been found to be unable to sustain their life cycles as hosts once the energy being was installed
The forms found on Terra were ideal and if they were inter bred with ones from Sirius B or the Orion sector,
the results were staggering.
The child had reached the age where the next stage in the development was necessary
the human consciousness had to be merged with the alien
and the merging monitored perfectly lest a human being too advanced for the time period would develop
there had been a number of failures; humans developing ahead of their time
Devising inventions and theories beyond the understanding or the mentality of the evolving race there
This case was proving to be just the same
It had adopted abilities of telepathy; was become aware of the watchers and their monitoring of his thoughts
The human was earning itself a reputation as a witch and because of the superstitions present at the time
it faced possible extermination ... something which had to be avoided at all costs
Thus its consciousness balance had to be changed slightly
It had to be called back and taken into the craft for the operation
The operation was a success ...The changeling would now be able to lead a near normal life
It would be monitored for the rest of its life and the preset experiences and reactions to these experiences
would be activated ensuring it would father the children it was required to father
Thus its offspring would sire a bloodline which would be of the stock they were looking for
further along the evolutionary ladder, the later generations would be visited too and further changes made
In this way they would produce a purer and more favourable host for more evolved energy beings
In this way the experiments could head in the directions the council had planned for this sector of the galaxy
All moves would be monitored and many, many more visits would be made to the planet
until eventually ‘contact’ would be made with the evolved race and it would all be explained to them
The development of their forms from the basic creatures on that world; the formation and advancement of their civilisations
the rise and fall of their great nations; the wars and the acts of attrition ... they were all necessary and would be explained in time.

Matthew James Thursday, 2 January 2003