Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Whispers From Far Off Places

Whispers from far off places enter my mind ....
They reverberate ... they echo round and round
My head ... the hallway where footfalls sound
I close my eyes ... I enter dreams ...
Billowing white mists come ... in that place beyond time
I find myself there ... a star field wanderer ...
Seeking those voices .... a seeker of mystery ...
For they come from outside of me
They are a reality which I cannot touch
But which can reach out and wander through my corridors
Thoughts which often over ride my own
I try to make sense
I try to make deliberate steps to be heard above the din
But I am plainly a child which can be seen but not heard
Out there in the eternal playground ...
I muse why reach into my mind ...
Yet refuse to strike up a conversation?
I hear often what they have to say
Those whispers from far off places ....
But never have I consciously found my destination
The place where the haunting spectres come from ...
Beyond human time they must exist ...
Over the hills and far away
In foreign fields which I may wander in my dreams
But I cannot recall in conscious mortal reality ...
I wonder ... I muse
I get so confused in waking state
Yet in dream time ... I am aware
I know spectres are there ... I know they exist
Someday I will reach my destination
Then is the time to understand!

Matthew James circa 2005