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Tuesday 18 May 2010

A Word On 'Djidjigargaly'

Djidjigargaly is the blanket term for fae in the Aboriginal tongue of Australia. Back when the world was young, even before the Real People, the Aborigines inhabited the land. All the spirits of all things roamed freely, including the Djidjigargaly who even then roamed as a unified tribe.

The greatest spirits, the creators, led by Mawu, forged the real world out of song and dance. The great Djidjigargaly hunter Mirragan formed the caves and waterholes by driving his spear through the rock in pursuit of the great fish Gurrangatch. Emu and Brolga quarrelled, the enraged Brolga throwing Emu's egg into the firmament where it broke, the yolk catching fire and forming the sun. Wulungu the great Rainbow Serpent dug out the rivers and waterways. All spirits had their part to play in creation until the land was finished and teemed with life.

This was Achera, the Dreamtime, and all things were intertwined. Only the coming of the poisoned men from far off lands shattered the paradise with Banality.

As the Real People were driven inland to the desolate outback, away from the lush and bountiful coast, many of the Djidjigargaly died, unable to adapt or face the Banality of the invaders. The poisons of the invaders, as well as the temptations of civilisation and the bloody massacres of the past have afflicted the Real People and reduced their numbers greatly, drying up much of the pure Achera essence the Djidjigargaly needed to survive in the mortal realm. Today the Djidjigargaly are pitifully few, only attached to the minority of untainted tribes who still wander the outback. The majority now spend much of their time in Achera (the Dreamtime) wandering the Dreaming realm, and these have a powerful connection to the Dreaming that few kithain could ever conceive of.

The most plentiful fae in Australia today are the kiths of the West, and they are almost unaware of the great dreamscape surrounding them.