Exploring the Spirit World is fascinating and it can also be a bit scary. If fear is preventing you from venturing into new avenues of thought, remember one very important promise from a Higher Power Filled with Light and Love that is, "you never get more than you can handle." This is important to understand.
Another important concept that you need to understand is that the events that happen to you which are of a psychic nature do not occur by accident. You do not control them. A Higher Power Filled with Light and Love controls these events. With this in mind, you can relax and enjoy the adventure knowing that nothing is going to happen to you that you can't handle. You can't make these events happen and you can't stop them from happening if it is not meant to be. All events that happen to you are meant to get you to the next step on your life path (this is true not only for psychic development but for your life path in general).
You may not need to experience any of these psychic events during your lifetime. The path of Inner Guidance development is not meant for everyone although we all have some ability. If you are not meant to develop your abilities in this lifetime, you won't have the urge to pursue a path of this nature and that's perfectly acceptable. Your life path will be filled with other experiences that you need to have in order to fulfill your destiny.
Each person's path is unique and should be respected and not compared to anyone else. However, if you are meant to develop your abilities, then it will happen when it is time. For some of you, development of your Inner Guidance may start early in life. For others, it won't happen until much later. Again, it depends on what you have to accomplish during your lifetime.
If you are meant to develop your abilities, then you will be led to the means that will accomplish this goal whether it is through a correspondence course, a book or teacher. Development of your abilities can easily be a lifelong undertaking....read more...