Everything in the universe has this sea of light at its core. Physical matter is a hologram of light which has condensed; a thought-form where light has slowed down and changed from a wave into the fine particles which cluster together to form the finest building blocks, the atoms, that make up matter and everything in the Universe. When we are relaxed, happy and going with our soul's purpose, we flow in this sea of light; guided and supported by the universe, we feel pleasure when we go with the flow. Everything around us now has this same conscious awareness which formerly was experienced only through the human system. Our body’s energy field, the human aura, reaches out and connects to the underlying lay lines and magnetosphere belonging to the planet. Magnetic portals connect the earth to the sun and the other planets in a web of light. Gamma ray bursts flow right through the Universe, creating a superhighway of integrated conscious connections. We are now becoming increasingly aware of these more subtle levels of energy which have become Self-aware and conscious, creating a matrix of intelligent communication throughout the whole universe. Astrology has proved over many centuries that the heavenly bodies have an influence on our lives, emotions and feelings..
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