Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Pharmaceutical Terrorism Is Alive and Well

'Dr. Suzanne Humphries writes, “It’s fall in the northern hemisphere and more than one type of darkness has set in. Vaccines are being injected at lightning speed. New vaccines, untested vaccines, double-strength flu vaccines for the over-65 group; none of which have been shown to be effective at keeping anyone healthy.

The naïve are lining up at clinics, shopping malls, and retail stores. They don’t know which kind of vaccine they will receive. Which manufacturer is it? Does it have mercury? What chemicals does it contain? Why should they care? Why would they not trust their doctor (or their local pharmacist)?”

Pfizer Inc. said Friday it is pulling its blood pressure drug Thelin off the market and stopping all clinical trials because the drug can cause fatal liver damage....Read more: