Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Reincarnation & The Psyche

The Psyche is that part in man that unfolds his unique individuality and allows him to develop his particular characteristics. In turn, these characteristics helps, in their turn make him observe the world in a personal and distinctive way. From one incarnation to the next, the way man observes and understands his world changes and grows, along new experiences, his individual distinctive personality and characteristics change too. Moreover, these changes affect his level of consciousness, unfolding within him unsuspected or unknown qualities. These new discoveries allow him to continue enrich his individuality. When does logic dictate that one develops and unfolds different characteristics and creative attributes only to lose them at the end of one’s life when death reclaims the ego and body of man?

Thinking that the end of our life is the end of our existence goes against what nature teaches us… Nature demonstrates that everything created is destroyed so as to be recreated. This follows the laws of change and the cycles of transformation that are necessary for the evolution of all the species. So, why should we be governed by a different law? After death, were we to loose all our increased wisdom and with it the corresponding levels of consciousness, this would go against the law of nature itself. If on the other hand we observe carefully our own nature and see how many cycles of transformation we have undergone – of deaths and rebirths and of new patterns and ideas, we understand the complexity and richness of our own existence…the diverse and unique ways of unfolding our individuality. Who we are, and what we are today has been based on the same law of death and creation…

We are born with implanted and engrained ideas, desires and thought-forms… these are particular to each one of us…read more...