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Thursday, 31 March 2011
More Buddhist Inspiration
When you have many excuses not to do your work, ask yourself what guarantee you have of another chance to do what needs to be done. Time lost is lost for good. No matter how much you promise to improve, no matter what good intentions you have for making it up, the time is gone for good. Feeling sorry about the situation will not bring it back. You can never buy back that precious piece of time. You may think, "Well, that piece of time has passed, but I still have a long stretch of time left." No, you do not! What guarantee is there that you will have another piece of time like this one? Wake up and stop the excuses; they never made sense before and do not make sense now. Laziness and procrastination have never worked in a sound and helpful way. It is only sound and helpful to get things moving---Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Dharma Paths
Manifestation Tools Are All Around You

'San Andeas'
"I had one 'scary precognitive astral projection' last night ... the first one in several decades. It wasn't pleasant being amongst souls who were all feeling the panic of being trapped in an enclosed space when a building collapses around them ... I felt their extreme panic and confusion. It was not a pleasant experience ... when I asked 'where' and 'what' I clearly heard one voice say 'San Andreas. There had been the awareness of a loud rumbling noise below the building and then blind panic ' ....Matthew James Monday 28th March 2011
Prophets, Planets and Physicists Align On California Quake

Japan Nuclear Fallout Radiation in US Rainwater Now Several Thousands Times Above Drinking Water Limits

Japan Nuclear Crisis: Evacuees Turned Away From Shelters
'Hundreds of people evacuated from towns and villages close to the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant are being turned away by medical institutions and emergency shelters as fears of radioactive contagion catch on....Read more:
Inspiration ... for today
“There is nothing holier in this life of ours than the first consciousness of love -- the first fluttering of its silken wings -- the first rising sound and breath of that wind which is so soon to sweep through the soul, to purify or to destroy.” -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Healing Your Sole

Wednesday, 30 March 2011
More Buddhist Inspiration
It is not good to begin many different works, saying 'This looks good; that looks good', touching this, touching that, and not succeeding in any of them. If you do not generate great desires but aim at what is fitting, you can actualise the corresponding potencies and become an expert in that. With success, the power or imprint of that practice is generated---from 'Tantra in Tibet'
TV ghostbuster Derek Acorah banishes poltergeist 'terrorising' family home (his name was Jim and he died in 1900)

Fukushima Beyond Point of no Return as Radioactive Core Melts Through Containment Vessel

"Classic" Chemtrail Patterning

Obama Administration Restricts Findings on Gulf’s Dead Dolphins
'The Obama administration has issued a gag order on data over the recent spike of dead dolphins, including many stillborn infants, washing up on Mississippi and Alabama shorelines, and scientists say the restriction undermines the scientific process. An abnormal dolphin mortality this year along the Gulf coast has become part of a federal criminal investigation over last year’s BP oil spill disaster and as a result, has led the US government to clamp down on biologists’ findings, with orders to keep the results confidential...Read more:
Gripe Of The Day
Blogger! It still hasn't sorted the glitch. It's currently impossible to break any text into paragraphs ... it's becoming a nuisance!
UFO fleet over Japan, After Tsunami & Earthquake, 3 videos, Japan and Pakistan
It began with a report three weeks ago of a UFO fleet being seen by witnesses as it moved over Japan's Mount Fuji before the individual craft fanned out across the area. This event was reported in all seriousness by no less than China's main government news agency, Xinhua (see their article here and our article here). Western Media steadfastly refused to report the event. The US based "UFO industry" also chose to completely ignore or suppress any information regarding this event, seemingly regarding it as unimportant: This publication was the sole English language news outlet that ran a story on this occurrence ...................................
Quote For The Day
"There is no pleasure in having nothing to do. The fun is in having lots to do and not doing it." -- Mary Little
Cloned meat betrayal: Unlabelled dairy and beef products to go on sale here after OUR minister sabotages Europe's call for a ban
A campaign to put controls on cloned meat and milk was killed off yesterday by the UK Government and Brussels. The move signals the start of a free-for-all in 'Frankenfood' - despite claims the technology is cruel and unethical. Shoppers will be left in the dark because products from the offspring of cloned animals will not require special labels. One MEP warned supermarkets could soon be flooded with their milk. In the dark: The decision by the government and Brussels means that consumers will no longer know if the meat they buy comes from cloned animals Commission officials joined her in arguing that such controls could provoke a trade war with Washington. Most MEPs, on the other hand, called for a complete ban or, failing that, clear labelling. However, in marathon talks which ended yesterday, the labelling compromise was rejected by the Commission, the UK Government and Tory MEPs....Read More
Natural disasters will increase: British report

The Effect of Not Doing

Grasshopper Totem Animal

Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Radioactive particles from Fukushima nuclear plant are detected in OXFORDSHIRE as experts warn Japan has 'lost race' to save reactor

Gripe Of The Day

Mind-boggling discovery: Perfectly preserved brain of Iron Age man unearthed in York

More Inspiration for today
“ ...what I focus on in life is what I get. And if I concentrate on how bad I am or how wrong I am or how inadequate I am, if I concentrate on what I can’t do and how there’s not enough time in which to do it, isn’t that what I get every time? And when I think about how powerful I am, and when I think about what I have left to contribute, and when I think about the difference I can make on this planet, then that’s what I get. You see, I recognize that it’s not what happens to you; it’s what you do about it.” -- W. Mitchell
Inspiration ... for today
“How do we keep our inner fire alive? Two things, at minimum, are needed: an ability to appreciate the positives in our life – and a commitment to action. Every day, it’s important to ask and answer these questions: ‘What’s good in my life?’ and ‘What needs to be done?’” -- Nathaniel Branden
The Heart Of The Matter

Sunspot Profusion

Creating a Nightly Ritual

Is Fukushima About to Blow?

Monday, 28 March 2011
US Stores Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods at Four Times Pool Capacity

Blogger Format Problems ....
Most of the posts put on A Light In The Darkness tonight are not in their usual format ... the formatting facility is not correct. Therefore Blogger is today's gripe of the day ... for the way everything is formatting wrong. A real spanner in the works ... a real glitch in the system ... Blogger tut tut ... get it sorted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Remembering
We are born, tricked into believing we sin.. We live, the losers before we ever begin.. Trapped in the spiralling malaise Blind in the 5 sensory haze … But within we awaken Yet keep this fact locked inside But inside we know our time is arriving A time when the truth cannot be denied This place is not the real deal Not like they teach us or tell us … or force us to believe We sense, we feel We realise there is so much more than this … We’ve always known And it will take the remembering to awaken our spirit We’ve always been shown … The way to that safe place deep inside There where the demons cannot reach Where we can ignore the chill of the night There where we see the eternal light And know we are safe … this is but a dream … a dream … Remember who you are Remember who’ve you’ve been Remember who you truly are Remember … for you have never forgotten … It was they who misled you, Who hid your face in the mirror ... It was they who put out the light … And put the moon in the sky … To change how you see yourself …. Matthew James 28th March 2011
The Truth about Facebook!
Facebook is a CIA data-mining operation used to gather and store massive amounts of valuable information about hundreds of millions of people. All this info is then used by governments and corporations to target individuals or demographics they're interested in exploiting.
Magpie - The Cunning Prophet

Australia: UFO Mystery Lights Up Sky Again

Radioactive Trojan Horse????

Radiation Detected in Massachusetts Rainwater as Fukushima Crisis Worsens
'The Fukushima crisis continues to worsen by the day, with nuclear experts around the world finally realizing and admitting we've all been lied to. "I think maybe the situation is much more serious than we were led to believe," said Najmedin Meshkati of the University of Southern California, in a Reuters report.Massachusetts rainwater has also been found to be contaminated with low levels of radiation from Fukushima, indicating just how widespread the radioactive fallout has become. It's not just the West Coast of North America that's vulnerable, in other words: even the East Coast could receive dangerous levels of fallout if Fukushima suffers a larger release of radioactive material into the air....Read more:
Inspiration ... for today
"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend." -- Henri Bergson "There is no reality in the absence of observation." -- The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
The Laboratory of Life

The Meaning of "Mara Gamiel"

6.5-Magnitude Quake Jolts Northern Japan

Sunday, 27 March 2011
Some Buddhist Inspiration

Addicted to junk food and celebrities...Lonely Planet's damning verdict on England today
England has been damned as celebrity-obsessed with a ‘dicey’ economy and an addiction to junk food.The verdict is in the latest Lonely Planet travel guide, which also portrays the Coalition Government as devious over spending cuts. The guide, published this month and expected to be bought by 100,000 people worldwide, is regarded as a bible by many travellers. Co-ordinating author David Else laments that the nation which spawned Shakespeare, Dickens and the Brontes has become obsessed with celebrity. He writes: ‘It’s impossible to overlook the recent trend for scurrilous celebrity autobiographies – penned by everyone from footballers to reality TV also-rans – a reminder of the increasing importance of hype over merit in the modern market. Whatever you make of the literary qualities of these memoirs, the British buy them by the bucketload.’ The guide claims England is still blighted by bad food and dismal dietary habits.It says: ‘A culinary heritage of ready-sliced white bread, fatty meats and boiled-to-death vegetables, all washed down by tea with four sugars, remains firmly in place in many parts of the country.(Daily Mail)
Some baffled after UFO sighting claims in Lafayette, Colorado
"Closer view of the UFOs above Denver, Colorado. They moved very slowly in a triangular formation across the sky then disappeared one at a time. We were in Lafayette, CO in my cousin's backyard facing west. The lights appeared to be approximately 3000-6000 feet high, coming from the West-Southwest and moving to the southeast. When they disappeared, they seemed to be directly over Denver. I was only visiting on my vacation, so I am not positive about the exact location or direction we were facing, but I am sure we were looking towards the west. We viewed the lights for approximately 15-20 minutes before they disappeared." (Youtube)
Britney Spears, Mind Control and 'Hold it Against Me'

Quotes For The Day
"It is not helpful to help a friend by putting coins in his pockets when he has got holes in his pockets." -- Douglas Hurd "Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon them and to let them know that you trust them." -- Booker T. Washington
Libya: The Objective of "Humanitarian Bombing" is Death and Destruction

The objective is not to come to the rescue of civilians. Quite the opposite. Both military as well as civilian targets have been pre-selected. Civilian casualties are intentional. They are not the result of "collateral damage". Early reports confirm that hospitals, civilian airports and government buildings have been bombed. Within hours of the air attacks, a Libyan government health official "said the death toll from the Western air strikes had risen to 64 on Sunday after some of the wounded died." The number of wounded was of the order of 150. These deaths resulting from US-NATO missiles and aerial bombings are either denied or casually dismissed as 'collateral damage'. According to British Foreign Secretary William Hague modern humanitarian warfare does result in civilian deaths, a totally absurd proposition: "This operation has been doing what it was meant to do, protect the civilian population of Libya, and there is no confirmed evidence of any casualties at all, civilian casualties, caused by the coalition strikes on the Gaddafi regime," (British Foreign Secretary William Hague}. The objective of the media disinformation campaign is to blatantly obfuscate the loss of life of civilians. Western media reports on casualties are heavily convoluted. Tomahawk missiles and aerial bombings are upheld as instruments of peace and democracy. They do not result in civilian deaths. Without media disinformation, the legitimacy of the military operation under R2P would collapse like a deck of card....Read More...
CDC: “Superbug” Spreads To 35 States; Kills 40% Of The People Who Come In Contact
A dangerous drug-resistant bacterium has spread to patients in Southern California, according to a study by Los Angeles County public health officials. More than 350 cases of the Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, or CRKP, have been reported at healthcare facilities in Los Angeles County, mostly among elderly patients at skilled-nursing and long-term care facilities, according to a study by Dr. Dawn Terashita, an epidemiologist with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. It was not clear from the study how many of the infections proved fatal, but other studies in the U.S. and Israel have shown that about 40% of patients with the infection die. Tereshita was not available for comment Thursday morning but was scheduled to speak about the study in the afternoon...Read more:

Saturday, 26 March 2011
Buddhist Inspiration ...
For a barrier could only arise from association with the past or expectation of the future. So the present moment has no barriers at all. And then he finds there is a tremendous energy in him, a tremendous strength to practice patience. He becomes like a warrior. When a warrior goes to [a spiritual; not physical] war [which he must participate] he does not think of the past or his previous experience of war, nor does he think of the consequences for the future; he just sails through it and fights, and that is the right way to be a warrior. Similarly, when there is a tremendous conflict going on, one has to develop this energy combined with patience. And this is known as right patience with the all-seeing eye, patience with clarity---Chogyam Trungpa Meditation in Action
Anomaly Gallery - Mars Once More...

Fukushima Reactor Number Three Suffers Likely Core Breach, Now Leaking Water at 10,000 Times Normal Radiation Levels

Radiation: Nothing to See Here? Obama Administration Claims 'No Threat' From Radiation Reaching the US....

Increased Light?

A Little Meditation Goes a Long Way

Resurrection of the Holy Thorn Tree: Glastonbury's vandalised shrine comes back to life

A Word on "Heimdall"

Heimdall or Heimdallr, is itself a nickname, his actual name being lost, probably with the Heimdalargaldr saga Heimdall is the watchmen of the gods at Bifrost, the bridge that links Asgard and Midgard. He will sound the Gjallarhorn to call the gods to Ragnarok when the Frost Giants attack. To fullfill this task he is ever vigilant needing ' less sleep than a bird', with keen senses he 'can see a hundred leagues by day or night' and 'hear grass growing and the wool growing on the backs of sheep and anything louder than that'. Heimdall has been shown as having wisdom, being described as 'kind of counsel' in poetry and has provided sage advice to the other gods in the Lay of Thrym, regarding the recovery of Thor's hammer Mjollnir from the Frost Giants. Here too he is credited with the ability to read the future. As Rig (or Rigr) he becomes the father of mankind, creating the three classes: slave, farmer and warrior. He then teaches his warrior son Jarl the rune wisdom, appearing equal to Odin in this respect. Heimdall and Loki are mortal enemies, appearing equally matched on the occasions they have clashed. Some equate Heimdall with the Indian fire god Agni and as such he could be seen as an 'anti-Loki' with similar powers to those of the trickster. (thorshoff.org)
He is also called "the Son of the Waves" because he was born from the Nine Waves (Aegir's daughters) by Odin's enchantment. On the first day a boat drifted towards the shores of mankind, Aurvanga-land. In the boat was a little boy, Heimdall, sent by the Gods. He slept on a sheaf of corn, surrounded by all manner of treasures and tools. The humans accepted him gladly, and raised him calling him Rig. He taught them to kindle the holy fire, instructed them in runic wisdom, taught them workmanship and handicraft, organized their society, and originated and stabilized the three classes of men as spoken of in the Song of Rig. Heimdall lived long as a man among men, and the age of his rulership was a golden age of peace and prosperity. Heimdall bedded three different females who all bore children, ancestors to three different classes; earls, farmers and serfs. When he died, his boat returned to take him back. The sorrowing humans laid his corpse in the boat, and surrounded it with his treasures and weapons. The boat then sailed back to Vanaheimr, where Heimdall was stripped of his aged human shape, regained his eternal youth and was taken into Asgard. Asa-God of Light and the rainbow; "The White God"; he is the Guardian of Bifrost bridge. He stands at the gate and is brilliant in white armor. His teeth are gold. He has a great sword. He is a fierce warrior and very handsome. He has super-sight and super-hearing. He sleeps less than a bird. He can hear the grass grow and see hundreds of miles away. Heimdall carries a sword and the Gjallar horn. When a God comes to the gate, he blows the horn softly. At Ragnarok, he will blow the Gjall horn in warning and it will be heard throughout the nine worlds. His horse's name is Golden Forelock. (sunnyway.com)
Quote of the Day
Friday, 25 March 2011
Phantom Airships Revisited? Oslo, Norway: Mysterious Flight Closed Airport

Officials were still unsure Friday morning who was behind the problem that forced aviation officials to redirect all incoming flights, because a small aircraft resembling a hang-glider or sail plane hovered at 8,000 feet in the middle of the airport's landing patterns. As many as 15,000 passengers had their plans ruined, because their flights were sent off to land at outlying airports like Torp and Rygge, or even as far away as Fagernes and Stockholm. Either they missed onward connections from Gardermoen, or wound up far away from their intended destinations. And the lack of incoming aircraft hit departures hard, too... Read More...
'Knowing it in your gut' is real": The state of your immune system and your gut bacteria influences your personality

"The wave of the future is full of opportunity as we think about how microbiota or bacteria influence the brain and how the bi-directional communication of the body and the brain influence metabolic disorders, such as obesity and diabetes," says Jane Foster, associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences of the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine. Using germ-free mice, Foster's research shows gut bacteria influences how the brain is wired for learning and memory. The research paper has been published in the March issue of the science journal Neurogastroenterology and Motility...Read More...
Exclusion zone around stricken Japanese nuclear plant widened over fears reactor core may be cracked
Radiation fears and panic levels were rising rapidly in equal measures again after officials admitted that the nuclear reactor core at Fukushima may be cracked, raising the prospect of more poison being released into the atmosphere. The threat of widespread contamination is so great that the exclusion zone around the stricken plant has been widened to 19 miles. It is feared the containment shield around the nuclear fuel rods might have been weakened, resulting in dangerous contamination leaking out. After three of the Fukushima Fifty workers were hospitalised after exposure to levels of radiation 10,000 times the safe level, it comes as further depressing news. Some 130,000 people have been encouraged to leave the area.(Daily Mail)
Battlefields of Midgard
Cloaking white mists sweep the moor.
Eerie is the silence there,
No clanking of steel on steel,
No muffled dying voices,
Only silence ...
A watery sun appears on the cloth.
The artist choosing an insipid yellow.
Out of the gloom, a solitary tree plays sentinel,
lifeless and leafless, bent double by gale force winds.
But still the silence and still nothing moves.
And then come distant sounds,
the splash of an oar, close to the shore beside the empty moor,
on the air, whispered voices.
The first line of assault has arrived.
The first light of dawn lifts the doom.
And with much complaint, the mists finally clear
revealing a desolate landscape, the soon to be battlefield.
The place where the chosen will be slain,
Soon it will come to pass and it will be a reality.
Sleepers in the lakeside village were unaware, as marauders crept into their tiny hamlet.
No warning came from the night sentries, who now lay dead in a pool of blood,
throats cut deeply by attacker’s savage knives.
Sadly, the slaughter had begun.
The temple was the first to go, brought to the ground by hellish flame,
the priest, a kind and gentle man, decapitated by a mighty axe swung by a warrior,
with a demonic mind, the leader of this savage band.
Mercenaries paid by ‘the house of god’ to purge the lands of Satan and his pagan ways
Mercenaries from another shore, to whom the slaughtering of innocents was a way of life.
Next to die by mindless deed were the young men of adolescence,
so called vessels of the wrongs of Satan,
most ne’er waking again on this land of fear,
sleeping like lambs murdered by power mad wolves,
nothing more than dismembered corpses now in a village of flames.
Then those who could fight, hopeless in their plight,
defended their village against the marauding killers,
gentle folk of lore and land were they,
murdered because their ways contrasted another’s point of view.
Then after the killings, the savage and brutal raping of the women began.
Those who objected died by blood stained knife,
willingly they struggled to be released,
and those that lived were never the same again.
Taken by the savages to become harlots of another land.
And though the mists of time hides the faces of those guilty of the crime,
the head of the church who made the decree that put thousands to death,
at the hands of the butcher’s murderous knives.
Know these crimes took place,
And from on high the heavens look down but never criticise,
for the guilty bear sentence for their crimes,
not in human court; for they were ‘above’ the law on earth,
nor by a god’s critical view,
But by their own admission ...
Midgard faces another act in the murder plays,
Another moorland awaits the cries of the dying,
and though the killing toys may have changed in time,
the end result is just the same.
Man killed by man because their view contradicts another,
I wonder if man will ever learn the lesson
and let fellow man life with contrasting views?
Mankind you need to live together ...
and ignore that insistent demon voice which demands you divide to rule;
It is time you laid down your weapons,
and life together in harmony ...
That way you may learn to move to a new station on the wheel ....
This version written by Matthew James Saturday, 4 January 2003 (On the eve of the invasion of Iraq)
Cloaking white mists sweep the moor.
Eerie is the silence there,
No clanking of steel on steel,
No muffled dying voices,
Only silence ...
A watery sun appears on the cloth.
The artist choosing an insipid yellow.
Out of the gloom, a solitary tree plays sentinel,
lifeless and leafless, bent double by gale force winds.
But still the silence and still nothing moves.
And then come distant sounds,
the splash of an oar, close to the shore beside the empty moor,
on the air, whispered voices.
The first line of assault has arrived.
The first light of dawn lifts the doom.
And with much complaint, the mists finally clear
revealing a desolate landscape, the soon to be battlefield.
The place where the chosen will be slain,
Soon it will come to pass and it will be a reality.
Sleepers in the lakeside village were unaware, as marauders crept into their tiny hamlet.
No warning came from the night sentries, who now lay dead in a pool of blood,
throats cut deeply by attacker’s savage knives.
Sadly, the slaughter had begun.
The temple was the first to go, brought to the ground by hellish flame,
the priest, a kind and gentle man, decapitated by a mighty axe swung by a warrior,
with a demonic mind, the leader of this savage band.
Mercenaries paid by ‘the house of god’ to purge the lands of Satan and his pagan ways
Mercenaries from another shore, to whom the slaughtering of innocents was a way of life.
Next to die by mindless deed were the young men of adolescence,
so called vessels of the wrongs of Satan,
most ne’er waking again on this land of fear,
sleeping like lambs murdered by power mad wolves,
nothing more than dismembered corpses now in a village of flames.
Then those who could fight, hopeless in their plight,
defended their village against the marauding killers,
gentle folk of lore and land were they,
murdered because their ways contrasted another’s point of view.
Then after the killings, the savage and brutal raping of the women began.
Those who objected died by blood stained knife,
willingly they struggled to be released,
and those that lived were never the same again.
Taken by the savages to become harlots of another land.
And though the mists of time hides the faces of those guilty of the crime,
the head of the church who made the decree that put thousands to death,
at the hands of the butcher’s murderous knives.
Know these crimes took place,
And from on high the heavens look down but never criticise,
for the guilty bear sentence for their crimes,
not in human court; for they were ‘above’ the law on earth,
nor by a god’s critical view,
But by their own admission ...
Midgard faces another act in the murder plays,
Another moorland awaits the cries of the dying,
and though the killing toys may have changed in time,
the end result is just the same.
Man killed by man because their view contradicts another,
I wonder if man will ever learn the lesson
and let fellow man life with contrasting views?
Mankind you need to live together ...
and ignore that insistent demon voice which demands you divide to rule;
It is time you laid down your weapons,
and life together in harmony ...
That way you may learn to move to a new station on the wheel ....
This version written by Matthew James Saturday, 4 January 2003 (On the eve of the invasion of Iraq)
Thousands Rally in Australia Against Carbon Tax

The Glastonbury Thorn Lives!

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