There is really only ONE BODY in any particular Universe. Uni = One. Though there is the appearance of many, there is really only ONE BODY THERE. One Body, divided into however many “fragments” (frags) you require to portray an idea, situation, experience, or theme to be “printed out” in physical space. When one physical fragment comes in contact with another---regardless of immediate motivations to the contrary---there WILL BE a sense of impact, followed by a re-enforced honoring of physical boundaries. This will always be true except when energy programming has been added that over-rides or sidesteps basic physical “laws” so that NEW ONES can be enacted and explored in their place.
The Soul (consisting of Mind, Will, and Emotions) is that aspect of us which exists above and beyond each “fragment” of physical matter. In one of their transmissions on the subject, the Reconnections describe 3D as....."a “snapshot” of conscious focus, frozen in time for purposes of exploration, study, learning, and amusement."
If the Body is a “snapshot,” the Soul would be everything leading up to the photographic moment--- intention, preparation, execution, development, collation, display, appreciation, and (later) archiving of photos for future enjoyment...read more...