The brain is marvellously adapted to living and sensing everything in its environment out to the furthest reaches of the cosmos. Yet, the brain and all the attached senses is focused on a very narrow band and range of frequencies. There is a lot more that we cannot sense than there is that we can. It is known that the cosmos influences the brain and that each frequency in the brain can be attributed to a specific planetary vibration of similar frequency as each specific manifestation. Before you say that this is not so, consider the transference of vibration from one tuning fork to another or a radio transmitter and receiver or in the case of the laser. One vibrates and the other that is tuned to that vibration, will pick it up provided that it is on the same frequency. Further, vibration can be pumped to increase the intensity. Without that phenomenon, transmitter and receiver cannot interact. We can therefore say that the mind is the cosmos, and the brain serves as the tuned receiving antenna and interacts with the physical earth and cosmos in response to the input from the cosmos-mind. This is a classic feedback system that is seen in many aspects of nature. The cosmos-mind influences the brain and the brain in turn then directs the body to act on the cosmos. Another way that this is being stated today in the quantum realm is that the observer affects the observed and the observed affects the observer