If you are new to this experience then you may find that it will be more effective if you begin by deciding how long you will spend practicing mindful listening... "For the next five minutes, I will practice mindful listening" you might say to yourself. Now stick with it for that amount of time. Let the sounds you hear be your anchor to the present moment. Don’t judge what you hear or analyse the sounds, just listen, observe and experience them. If you become restless or impatient, notice these feelings and allow them, but do not react to them. Stay with the sounds. Listen intently, but without straining. This is all about being "here and now" - nothing more. This simple mindful listening exercise can really open up your awareness to a whole new level of silence within you. You may experience moments in which you feel as though you are waking up to a part of you that, until now, had been hidden behind a wall of noise. This is mindfulness...read more...