An Energy Gate is a place in reality where a seal has been installed, to give the impression that reality has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The ILLUSION OF LINEAR CONTINUITY is one of the mainstays of 3D reality. Without a sense of FLOW, going from "here" to "there," 3D reality would collapse. An Energy Gate makes this possible. You open it, go through it, and close it again---behind you. An Energy Gate can be anything--a physical door, a picture on the wall, a book, a TV screen. You look at the basic image, and then you visually/perceptually CLICK ON IT, like a hyperlink on the computer, and you are automatically taken deeper, into some new realm of expanded detail on that subject. Perceived Reality is very MOSAIC in its design--layer upon layer, hyperlinked together through individual code keys and passwords. The more you keep "clicking" on an image, the deeper you go.
Some are visible, and some are etheric. All of them are real. Some are tied to specific physical locales. Simply to visit these locations is to be transformed. Other portals require energetic "passwords" or "vibratory signatures" to activate them. Still others require the usage of passwords and code keys, along with "sponsorship" by an Etheric Master, so that the unconscious or unprepared can not enter them unaware.