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Thursday 14 July 2011

Monthly Review For June/July 2011

This has been one of the busiest, most rewarding periods in my life for many years. Apologies first to all the regulars who visit A Light In The Darkness for the changes that have been occurring in recent weeks. The launch of the Phone Line for example ..! Secondly for the reduction in posts in recent weeks ... that is something completely unavoidable with the volume of work I am now undertaking. Yes, I am really busy ... and there is only one of me to maintain A Light In The Darkness. I have to let you know that July 2011 is going to be just the same ... soz! From tomorrow actually ... I'm 'on tour' once more this weekend; attending Spirit Fest at Leeton NSW. I am also partaking in a live evening of Mediumship tomorrow night prior to the show ... with a good friend of ours. Then its a flat out two days attending the Spirit Fest Expo ... undertaking readings. So, there will be nobody manning the desk at A Light In The Darkness unless I get chance in the hotel. Mind you the hotel is reputed to be haunted so during the evenings I think we will be undertaking a paranormal investigation or two. So watch this space for more phenomenon photos!

So regulars, please bear with me ... I have been inundated with e-mail & facebook requests to resume Daily Merlins. I fully intend to begin undertaking them once more ... as I know something significant is about to unfold in that saga. So again please watch this space with regard to that quarter.

The Phone line ... I have installed the phone line here for your convenience and benefit. It is a 24 hour 7 days a week service .. and provides you the opportunity to connect with some of the best mediums, clairvoyants etc ... so please try the service for yourself. Please don't wait for yours truly to be on line; there are plenty of other good psychics there to deal with your problems. I've been involved with the parent company, The Circle, for some time now and I can personally guarantee it is a genuine service! Believe me I would not have been involved with them if there was anything 'dodgy' about them!!! I've undertaken this partnering at considerable personal expense and personal risk ... and ask that you just try the service for yourself when you are next in need of some inspiration or a second opinion!!!

For me this month has flown by, and its onwards and upwards despite several hurdles to overcome and the apparent jealousy from a number of egos in the mystical field. I've experienced similar things for the last twenty five years and recall what an old clairvoyant friend of mine once said ... 'you can tell how far you've travelled and how much you have grown in this field by the number of enemies you make' ... believe me I seem at times to be surrounded by them!!! Many swords of damocles hang above me ... which is a shame as I am not in this to be rich or famous. I am in this field to help people and to share what I have learned. If souls cannot accept that unconditional love then they should not be in this field!!! That's my opinion on the matter!

One of the most challenging experiences over the last few weeks has been my five appearance on live TV!!! Psychic TV here in Australia ... I am due to appear again shortly and have submitted my provisional list of available dates for the next few months.

Just a reminder, before I go ... as I want to keep this review short and sweet ... there will be several days between now and August where there will be no posts due to my increased workload at this time!!! Please accept that I will be adding more adverts relating to the Phone Line. For me it is a new business venture and I need therefore to advertise it!!! It's part and parcel of my business now which I must nurture .... we all must make ends meet somehow. It's a new dimension for me to explore ... even though I have been undertaking phone readings now for over two decades. I enjoy the challenge of phone readings ... having to link with a voice vibration and provide validatory information for the caller. I do not draw out the readings to 'make money' ... people who call me will tell you that the entire reading contains concise and validatory information ... which begins from the moment I start the call ... there is no advertising or filler conversation to waste time!!!

Anyway ... many thanks for your patience! And a big thank you for visiting A Light In The Darkness ... I appreciate the support you guys give me, and have given me over the years. (MJ 14th July 2011)