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Monday 5 December 2011

Spiritual Morphism

Each and every time a client arrives for a personal reading ... or a live audience looks on awaiting the very first message of the evening ... the challenge is always the same. It's the element of risk ... the sense of ultimate trust ... a self belief that is not like any other. There is no script to fall back on in either scenario. Its all about reconnecting with the consistency that is always there each and every time, without taking it for granted ... or appearing ungrateful for the magical essence that surrounds each and every one of the connections. Its about feeling honoured by working in this way without adopting the false ego that destroys these subtle connections! But ... its only when the first signs of that the connection has been made, again ... that the human-ness can be put on the back seat and a second nature 'sensation' can take over. Its only when the first snippets of information begins to flow that this human identity ceases to exist for a while ... and the universal consciousness begins to flow like magic through the physical form. Its only then that the true characteristics of the discarnate soul is expressed before the client or the audience. The medium is nothing more than a conduit between worlds ... the human ego resting as the spirit within the human form begins to morph itself into the personality making the connection. The spirit in effect becomes the discarnate soul complete with physical conditions, thoughts, mannerisms ... and the like. Able then to connect in a two-way dialogue with the client or member of the audience. The human ego still has control ... but its mind and its senses are effectively borrowed by something else --- Matthew James 5th December 2011